Flowers in the garden

By Mamy

I already showed you trees & co. from my garden in Spring in the garden post. Today I have for you photos of my flowers.

Flowers are one of my greatest passions in life. I love all about them – from planting to simply enjoying in the view.

After a long and cold winter I could hardly wait for spring to come this year.

Vrtna vijolica, viola
Vrtna vijolica, viola
hrušica, muscari
Hrušica, muscari
Plamenka, phlox
Plamenka, phlox
Pomlad, spring
Plamenka in tulipan, phlox and tulipa
Skalni grobeljnik, Alyssum
Skalni grobeljnik, Alyssum
Srčki, Dicentra spectabilis
Srčki z babičinega vrta, Dicentra spectabilis
Tulipan, tulipa
Tulips saying goodbye for this year
Velikonočnica ali kosmatincek, Pulsatilla
Velikonočnica ali kosmatinček, Pulsatilla
Vrtni jeglic, primula
Vrtni jeglič, primula
Vrtni jeglic, primula
Vrtni jeglič, primula

I don’t have a favorite flower – I love them all.

Enjoy the spring. 

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

9 thoughts on “Flowers in the garden”

  1. Čudovite rožice imaš :love: meni so bili vedno in vedno bodo najljubši tulipani :hmm: škoda da ne cvetijo skoz vse leto :cry:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … NYX Girls: Morocco + Konad =-.

  2. karamela, hvala!   :rose:   Poleti je rož na gredicah manj, več jih je na okenskih policah, terasi, balkonu… letos sem si spet dala duška.  :party:
    EvilAngel, I’m glad you know the  Bleeding hearts!   :love:   This is an old type of flowers.
    Camy, thans a lot! :happy:
    Tassa,  :party:
    Mademoiselle C., it’s nice to read you! You can dream about it and hope that dreams will come true. Thanks a lot! :wub: :rose:
    .-= Mamy´s last post … H&M – Fashionista and Konad m72, swatch =-.

  3. You have a nice garden, you’re lucky :)
    I’d like to have my own garden one day, but we still live in a flat for now, so i only watch them when i’m walking on the street (or when i read your blog :)).
    My faves are bleeding hearts !

  4. Pomlad in jesen sta moja najljubša letna časa. Lepe rožice – kar nekaj v vijola barvi in njenih odtenkih   :wink:


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