Can you believe, that I’m wearing a french manicure today? I don’t know what hit me, but it did. I wanted to experiment a bit.
I started with one coat of Essence – Pro White base coat, which is tinted a bit purple and that’s why your nails look a bit whiter when painted with this base coat. I use this base coat every time I wear sheer polishes. It’s not a wonder maker but it works a bit.
Then I added two coats of sheer sparkly pink polish Rival de Loop – Touch of Pink from the Brilliant Nails line.

The polish is very sheer but it’s lovely, because it’s very sparkly and it has a gold flash to it. I think it has glass flecked shimmer …
Next I used the Fauxnad IP P32 to stamp white tips.

Finally I stamped blue bows from the Konad IP m56 with the Konad special polish Blue Pearl.

OMG, what an unusual mani for me. But you know what? I like it!
Here are some bonus pics of my new ring I bought a few days ago.

What do you think? Are french manicures for me or not?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Meni je všeč :) Taka luštno igriva :) Prstan pa je tudi :wub:
great mani and gorgeus ring!! :party:
OMG!!!! i love it on u maestra!!! :wub: try another french mani…weeeeeeeeeee!!! that ring is so fabulous!!!
and what more makes me so surprise.. U used pink!! LOL!! I know ur not a pink lover…but this is really awesome on u!!!
Suuuuuuuuper!! Všeč mi je plava mašnička! :D
.-= Tiana´s last post … My last mani + Konad! =-.
Čisto sem :shock: :shock: :shock: Kaj se dogaja?
Čudovit prstan, zanimiva, predvsem drugačna manikura zate :hmm:
A imaš novo ozadje? :smell:
Tale roza lakec mi je pa noro všeč! :yes: Zanimivo. :silly: Neumno vprašanje, pa vseeno – a se te lakce dobi pri nas? :whistle:
Jaz bi mogoče naredila to spremembo, da bi najprej odtisnila bele konice in šele potem šla čez z rozekom, ker je itak dokaj prosojen.
Res malo neobičajna manikura zate, ampak zelo zanimiva! :silly:
sumim da je prstan iz Sixa? Mam enega na podoben način, le da so namesto rožic lističi
i like your french mani :D
if the essence whitener doesn’t work, theres a good one from alessandro called pro white (can be bought at müller, douglas or marionoud(or something spelled like that, didn’t have french in school, only italian) but I think the prices at müller are better/cheaper than at douglas)
the pro white polish comes in a great variety- the original (blue tinted), glitter, two duochrome shades (called hologram something) and french manicure shades
This is so pretty!
Kaj sem rekla – metamorfoza. :haha:
.-= Gejba´s last post … Catrice – Caught On The Red Carpet swatch =-.
prstanček mi je zelo všeč, manikura mi je pa malo preveč :think:
kje si pa prstanček kupila? :whistle: