Essence TE – summer 2010

Just a short news for Slovenian readers about time table of Essence TE collections in Slovenian drugstores.

I’ll post distributes answer here too in case anybody is planing to visit our country this summer.

By the end of the summer:
Into The Wild (only DM) – May;
– June editions seem to be top secret.

A lot of goodies is coming our way.

EDIT: Upon the request of Essence company, we removed the information about June TEs. More info on this mysterious TEs will be known at the later date.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

29 thoughts on “Essence TE – summer 2010”

  1. kolekcija into the wild je že na policah v mullerju v novem mestu… :wink:
    sicer izropana…pa vendar

  2. Essence je zakon :yes:
    Mene je pa že strah, kako bom lovila tele kolekcije po DMjih po Celju. Po moje bom kako prodajalko podkupila da mi jih skrije pod pult  :haha:

  3. če želite slikovni predogled trend kolekcij, jih lahko pošljem. jih pošljem gejbi po mailu. :wink:

  4. Pozdravljene!
    zanimajo vas še datumi 8ti so bolj okvirni, ker v končni fazi vse odvisno od našega kupca kdaj bo dal kolekcijo na prodajno mesto). včasih je to problem predvsem pri Dm-ih kot ste to že same opazile – zato me ne držat za besedo.
    torej: Into the wild – okoli 20.5.
    ostalo lahko javim nakdnadno. In mogoče bomo kupili še kaj trend kolekcije “sun delicious”. Pozdravček!

  5. I’ve seen the Into the Wild at a Müller (in austria)- they seem to get every Le unlike dm…
    a spanish blog has posted some pics of the return to paradise le, there seems to be a dupe for benefit’s carolista (or maybe not, just looks a lot like it)

    • I think I saw Return to paradise pics. If I remember correctly there was one gorgeous green shade in that TE. :wub:

      Our Muller rock with every Essence TE, too. :happy:

  6. O, ful dobro!! Hvala za obvestilo  :rose:
    Sicer sem nekako upala na sun delicious, samo kaj se ve, zdaj smo dobili dm delno tud ono drugo stojalo z SYF in nail art zadevami :yes:

  7. P.S.: zdej bi lahk sam še datume kdaj pride to v DM ali pa drugam.. da vemo kdaj napadat  :nervous:


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