A while back Illamasqua contacted us via e-mail and we almost died of happiness! Can you imagine, Illamasqua sent us an e-mail asking us whether we would like to test some of their stuff? Unbelievable! I guess, there’s not a single soul out there who is interested in cosmetics, that haven’t at least heard of Illamasqua. The brand is from UK. It’s relatively young brand but it has already conquered the world. Amazing success story! I really like the philosophy that’s behind the whole brand. Let me cite a few sentences from the email we received:
As I am sure you are aware, we believe in big, loud, creative makeup that doesn’t conform to ‘fashion’, that celebrates who you are and speaks volumes about your personal identity. Whether that means you are creative on a night out with the ladies, or whether you are part of a culture or sub culture that encourages you to explore artistic make-up, Illamasqua can provide you with the ultimate colour and texture palette!
I can write for myself, that I don’t stand out from the crowd (at least that’s what I think ). I have my own style, which depends primarily on my feelings. Do I pay attention to the fashion trends? Yes and no. First I pay attention to what I feel like wearing at the time and then what I like. If the stuff is or is not fashionable isn’t really that important to me. I think the secret is in details and how you can combine different styles and things. I admire people who have their unique style and don’t worry about what others think about them. There’s nothing more beautiful than to see a lot of different styles on the street. I always think: “Beautiful, how people are different and have different tastes! Let’s respect that!”
As I wrote before, I don’t stand out from the crowd. Probably because I don’t dare to. At the same time I really don’t want to be lost in the crowd. I want to be at least a little different and I don’t want to do things that everybody is doing. I wish I would have the guts to dare to do more. I guess, I started with my nails. Bold nails are definitely my trademark. And that has to count for something, right?
If I go back to the first sentence… Illamasqua contacted us asking us, whether we’d like to try some of their stuff. We were of course excited and couldn’t wait for the stuff to arrive. We didn’t know what to expect. We thought there will be some of the stuff from their new collection called Body Electrics, but we were wrong. The photo below shows what was in the carefully selected box, which only proves that there’s nothing random at Illamasqua … Everything is carefully selected.
We were all crazy about the stuff that was inside. Nail polish named Nudge from the Pastel Nails collection and Powdered Metal in shade Thalia.
We couldn’t wait to try everything. And because there is more than one writer here at Parokeets, it lasted a bit longer to write a review about the Illamasqua stuff. Three out of four Parokeets ladies tried the Nudge nail polish and two of us tried the Powdered Metal. The fourth Parokeets lady will of course try the stuff some time in the future.
That was a bit about Illamasqua and a little something about me. Because the post got so long unintentionally, I’ll write an actual review in my next post … stay tuned.
In the comments I would love to read about your everyday style (make up, clothes, …). Do you follow fashion trends? Are you adventurous when it comes to make up and clothing? Or would you like to be more daring? Is your “alter ego” buried deep inside of you or do you maybe leave it out from time to time? Tell me … Can’t wait to read your comments …
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Moj stil si narekujem sama.Zadnje čase si sicer upam več.Od modnih kosov izberem samo tiste, ki mi pristojijo, lahko pa rečem, da je vse odvisno od priložnosti.Za na faks bolj kot ne mladostno elegantno, isto v službico, doma in za na sprehode s psom pa seveda trenirka itd.Ko mi je pa nekaj všeč, se ne oziram na komentarje drugih-to je veljalo pri npr klinastih hlačah, ki so vzbudile ogromno pozornosti v moji družbi :think:
Glede make-upa.Nikoli ne izstopam oz ne uporabljam kombinacij, ki so preveč pisane.Kak vpadljivejši make up si privoščim za kak večerni izhod, čez dan se bolj poslužujem manj je več :yes:
Gejba, pa kako nimaš stila?Kaj pa tvoji plesni čeveljčki? :stars:
Super paketek! :) Komaj cakam na prave pravcate slikice in reviewe! :)
Moj stil pa… odvisno od pocutja. Ce se pocutim leno si bom navlekla eno mikico gor, teniske pa kavbojke, sicer pa lahko tudi kaj vec…
Mislim, da ne izstopam razen s kaksnimi MUji ali lakci za nohte…
Zelim si, da bi imela ‘jajca’ in si pobarvala lase v vseh moznih barvah (npr roznati in turkizni (posebaj))…. Hm.. bolj kot se staram, manj si upam :)).
Review laka za nohte pride jutri. ;)
Hihihi, živo rumeni laski z neon pink prameni. :biggrin: Huh, jaz pa si po moje upam več, kot pred leti. :whistle:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Illamasqua package! =-.
Wow, this is cool that you got a package with Illamasqua stuff! The nail polish looks cute. I hope you have much fun with it. To answer your quessies: I don’t follow every trend as I feel to old for it. I’m just adventurous concerning my eye make ups and earrings otherwise I try to wear standard (read: boring) clothing. Ah well, I AM the personification of boredom. That’s why Illamasqua haven’t contacted me. ;-)
OMG, you feel too old? Can’t believe it! :shock: I’m not young either, but I’ve never thought to be too old for some trends. I just don’t like some of them. :biggrin: Your make ups are amazing and you definitely have your own style!
.-= Maestra´s last post … Illamasqua package! =-.
:hmm: cula za njih jesam, nisam imala priliku probat, al jedva cekam da cujem kako su vam se svidjeli proizvodi
Uskoro :wink:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Illamasqua package! =-.
Moj stil je to, da nimam stila. :haha:
Ampak Maestra – če ti ne izstopaš, potem sem jaz nevidna. :silly:
.-= Gejba´s last post … Catrice – Back To Black =-.
Menim, da ima čisto vsak nek svoj stil in pri tem zagotovo nisi izjema (če si že pri vsem drugem). :naughty:
A se ti zdi, da vseeno malo izstopam? Huh, kaj pa vem … sem samo … Maestra, pač. :wave:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Illamasqua package! =-.
Jaz tudi poslušam bolj moje vsakdanje počutje in ga prenesem na stil oblačenja, ličenja, … vsega. všeč so mi naravni, zemeljski toni, vsi posebni toni zelene, rdeče,…črna je seveda večna lepotica, vijolična večkrat doda akcent, za posebne priložnosti si pa res vzamem čas, in mi je kombiniranje oblek, čevljev, torbic in nakita v kakšnem še “neodkritem” odtenku prava mana za dušo! razne čipke in podobni detajli so tudi moji ljubljenčki! moja značilnost pa je, da razen kavbojk v moji omari kakršnakoli modra ne obstaja. Ličenje oči mi je tudi poseben hobi, kateremu se ne odrečem skoraj nikoli :love: no, tudi jaz sem se razpisala … :wave:
Super si napisala in prav požirala sem besede. :rose: Zanimivo, da ni modre v tvoji garderobi. Jaz pa sploh ne vem, ali obstaja barva, ki je nimam v svoji garderobi. Vse barve so mi všeč (še najmanj črna in bela). Zadnje čase pa še vedno padam na vijolično. Počasi jo menja zelena… Čipk pa ne maram preveč.
.-= Maestra´s last post … Illamasqua package! =-.
Moj stil večinoma sovpada z mojim počutjem ter priložnostmi. Za vsakodnevne priložnosti se gibljem v elegantno ali elegantno športnih vodah (v službi si kaj zares odštekanega ne morem privoščit), za kakšno posebno priložnost pa se tudi pokaže moja ”vamp” stran. Iz mode črpam tisto v čemer se dobro počutim in kar mi pristoji.
Tudi jaz bi zase rekla, da sem športno elegantna. Z zadnjim stavkom pa se popolnoma lahko poistovetim. :thumb:
Nudge, ljubezen moja! :wub:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Illamasqua package! =-.
wow!!! those are great!! Im more on my fashion style.. but to the point that Im NOT out of the trend.. :crown: