p2: Soulful and Diva, swatches

By Mamy

These two polishes were not on my wish list, but since they didn’t have polishes I wanted, guys chose those two. They said that they didn’t see brown polishes in my collection. 

I do have couple of brown polishes, but they’re well hidden and never seem to be next in line for manicure.

I was little bit skittish about using them, but I must admit they’re not that bad.

p2: Soulful and Diva, bottles
p2: Soulful and Diva, in the sun
p2: Soulful and Diva, bottles
p2: Soulful and Diva

Soulful is chocolate color with thick formula, but it applies well. I used two coats without top coat. Finish – creme. Brush – excellent and easy to do the curve with.I’m again pleasantly surprised with quality of p2 polishes. I cannot believe that I thought they must be low quality because of the low price.What a mistake!

p2: Soulful, swatch
Soulful, two coats
p2: Soulful, swatch
Soulful, sun

Thriszha wrote on FAB UR NAILS about similar shade, but she upgraded it with fantastic konadicure.

Diva:at first glance it looks completely brown, but in reality it has a lot of burgundy in it. The best description would me – shade of aged red vine. IT has this earthy tone in it, so I’m not completely sure if this polish belongs to brown or red shades.

Two layers were not enough as you can see in the photo:

p2: Diva, swatch
Diva – two coats

After I added the third coat – it became completely brown and burgundy color altogether disappeared.

p2: Diva, swatch

I’m still undecided whether I like this two polishes or not.

Have fun.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “p2: Soulful and Diva, swatches”

  1. No ja … mene rjavi odtenki večinoma ne prepričajo, ampak tale dva niti nista tako zelo napačna :)

  2. Meni se tudi zdi, da nista ravno poletna :haha:
    Ne vem če sta mi všeč :undecided: :undecided:
    M :blush: ogoče bi mi bila všeč, če bi objavila tale post bolj proti koncu poletja :silly: :silly:

  3. Meni čisto rjavi odtenki (brez konada) niso preveč pri srcu. Se mi zdi da bi na takem odtenku obvezno moral biti še kakšen vzorček gor – da vse skupaj malo poživi. Ima pa KIKO en odtenek ki je identičen prvemu.

    Drugače pa dvomim da obstaja barva, ki je ti še nimaš v svoji zbirki :think:   :yes:

    • Zato sem omenila Thriszha-in prispevek, kjer se vidi, da je konad za tak odtenek zelo primeren. Če mi nadgradnja s konadom uspe, jo objavim.  :undecided:
      Hm, seveda je še kakšen odtenek, saj vedno znova in znova vidim in vzamem kakšen nov lak. :happy:
      Nad rjavo barvo tudi sicer nisem najbolj navdušena, ampak včasih se sprememba kar prileže.  Trenutno sem v fazi zelenih odtenkov. :yes:
      .-= Mamy´s last post … H&M: Bella’s Choice, U Must Have This and Aquatini, swatches =-.

  4. ja i smedja se bas ne ljubimo  :whistle: , al ovaj drugi dok je samo sa dva sloja lijepo izgleda, prvi izgleda ko rastopljena cokolada na noktima :biggrin:


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