I’m probably not the only one that keeps her cosmetics WL by the computer.
So when somebody close to you goes on business trip, you have to make your dreams come true. Right?
Thank you Bauma fair in Munich you’re responsible I got a lot of H&M and P2 polishes.

Making a WL was huge project not to mention finding stores that sell the items on it. Other Parokeets were very amused by the mile long list I made.
I could hardly wait for them to depart And off they went. I was very impatient and kept checking my mobile phone for new messages.
Finally! I got SMS that raid: “We got 11 H&M polishes, they didn’t have all of them.” … next evening there was MMS with accompanying text: “We got p2 polishes and one Esprite …”
I dreamt about polishes, arranged them in my drams. That was something huge for polish-holic.
Today’s post is little bit confusing since I had no idea how to show you all of the polishes. Well – it’s reflection of my enthusiasm.
Here are photos of pastel/cool/warm/blue/brands etc. combos.

Which one should I try out first? That was really tough decision.
The winner was p2 Flamboyant. Lively summer color – more coral than orange. I used two coats, but third wouldn’t be amiss. I didn’t use top coat, and had no problems with application.

Thank you dear readers, for allowing me to share my joy with all of you.
I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. Interesting things are in store for our readers in the near future …
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
:stars: Temu se pa reče šoping :w00t:
Wow, what an amazing haul. Hooray for wishlists and friends who travel! I’m off to Germany in a couple of weeks, hoping to pick up lots of nice things, I’ll look out for P2 and fingers crossed for Catrice too
Love your comments… :rose: :haha: :love: :biggrin:
.-= Mamy´s last post … The 1st May tours, part ll. =-.
Uou uou uoooooooou, najbolj fouš na tem svetu!!!! :stars:
wow!!!! :w00t: thats amazing!!! I only have 2 p2 polish hahahhaah!! ohhh u’ll be very busy on swatching those!!! i’ll be looking forward for ur swatches!!! :pic: :party:
Kako mi je znana tale zgodba. Tudi sama sem predkratkim iskala H&M v Stuttgartu, kjer prodajajo
lake. :haha: :haha: :haha: Pa sem ga našla :stars: :cool:
Tale zbirka je pa itak za dol pasti in spet ju je treba pohvaliti! :drop: :drop:
zdaj sem imela kr odprta usta ko sem videla tale post :w00t: krasno!! :wub:
.-= Lyra´s last post … My Birthday Manicure =-.
oh- a lovely haul, i wish they’d still sell the holo h&m because I was late for that party and only got the gold one
I’ll write about H&M holo soon. They are amazing! :drop:
.-= Mamy´s last post … The 1st May tours, part l. =-.
oh- can’t wait :D
Hahaha, najbolj sem se nasmejala monikinemu komentarju! :biggrin:
Kako sem ti “fovš”, prekrasni so! :stars:
O moj Bog. :stars:
Lucky girl!!! :hmm: :thumb:
.-= Tassa´s last post … Zoya Savita + Konad =-.
Zavidanja vredna zbirka (:
O baraba. Kako so lepi. :yes:
:drop: wow I think that my whole nail polish collection isn’t that big
Ribica, beri nas še naprej… :wink:
Oh, ja … P2 bi pa tudi jaz. ;) :wink:
:w00t: :drop: :happy:
”Pišuka polde” – mene bi morali na EKG poslat.
Swatchi :wave:
Hvaležna sem jima, da vedno in povsod oprezata za laki ipd., kadar mene ni zraven. Čeprav sta na dolgo in široko razlagala, kako je bilo na sejmu, moram priznati, da je šlo večinoma mimo mene. Pogled na vse lepotce je bil resnično obremenilen za srce. :scared:
Omg, sami lepi lakci! Čudovita pridobitev! Srečnica. :biggrin:
.-= elchy´s last post … Butterfly Jungle 245 =-.
Počasi prihajam k sebi, čeprav jih imam že cel teden. :biggrin:
love love love :w00t:
Hvala, Anna! :wave:
What a catch! And i think it’s sooo cute to see how excited you are haha, totally adorable <3
I was like a child who looks forward to his first toy… :wub:
Everybody interested in looting Mamy’s place, raise you hand. :biggrin:
.-= Gejba´s last post … Sweetscents swatches: Twilight, Imani, Egyptian Sands, Coffee and Tuxedo =-.
I live in the clouds, Gejba! :haha:
omfffffffffg :wub: :cry: :stars:
How exciting! You lucky girl you! :pic:
I know I am…thank You! :angel:
OMG! Naslov posta čisto povzame vsebino :stars: krasne nove pridobitve, se že veselim novih slikic :cute: res škoda da teh lepotcev ni za dobit pri nas :angry:
Malo mi je žal, da ni bilo novih kolekcij Sun Love in Colours In Motions. :cry: Vseeno se ne pritožujem nad izkupičkom. Slikice bodo, to pa ja. :yes: