New shoes and a pedicure

Just a quickie today from me. I bought these gladiator shoes about a month ago and we finally have the weather for such shoes.    Love them!

Warning: Pedicure!

Swatch: Deborah - SenseTech 100% Mat - 05 + Kickers gladiator shoes
Deborah – SenseTech 100% Mat – 05
Swatch: Deborah - SenseTech 100% Mat - 05 + Kickers gladiator shoes
Deborah – SenseTech 100% Mat – 05
Swatch: Deborah - SenseTech 100% Mat - 05 + Kickers gladiator shoes
Deborah – SenseTech 100% Mat – 05

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25 thoughts on “New shoes and a pedicure”

  1. Čugovite so! Jaz si jih ful želim, sem jih zadnjič pomirjala in so mi tako lepo sedli na nogo. Pa jih vseeno nisem kupla, zdej mi je pa ful žal. :cry:
    .-= elchy´s last post … Sunshine 4ever =-.


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