Gejba made my day yesterday. I have lots of beautiful new p2 and H&M polishes, but Orly polishes went straight to my heart. You simply have to fall in love with this gentle shades of green and blue.
Another thing that makes this polishes special is that they’re the last ones from Trans Design. No more shopping at TD …
They’re so pretty, I just couldn’t decide how to photograph them.
First two polishes Snowcone and Gumdrop are from Orly Spring 2010 Sweet Collection. You get mini lip glosses in the same color as polish. Mmmm, they smell nice.
Snowcone, pastel blue shade, thick and difficult to apply. Creme finish, three thin layers. Color is gorgeous.
Gumdrop,is pastel mint shade. I used three layers, but two wold be enough if I didn’t have to correct couple of mistakes. This one also has very thick formula. Are all pastel shades this difficult to apply? Maybe it’s the brush. It is not the kind you could lean on the nail, spread out a little and stroke.
But when I see the result – it was worth the effort.
Mint Mojito: if I spent too much time on previous two polishes, then this one was totally unproblematic. It’s quite sheer, but it looks perfect after three coats. This one also has creme finish and belongs to the group of polishes I can apply right before I leave the house and have no problems what so ever.
Mint Mojito shade belongs to the Orly Summer 2009 Tiki Time Collection.
How do you like them? I’m crazy about all of them. I wouldn’t mind if the first two would be easier to apply, but … There are couple of other nice shades in Sweet collection- pastel shades in colors fashionable for this spring. If you can get to them – go for it! By by!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Really lovely colors! Perfect for the summer!
Visit my blog too if you want :)
Hvala! :rose:
Sem vam rekla, da že dolgo nisem imela tako lepih lakov. :nails: In seveda sanjam še o nekaterih čudovitih odtenkih… :party:
.-= Mamy´s last post … H&M: Bella’s Choice, U Must Have This and Aquatini, swatches =-.
en lepš k drugi :wub:
Čudoviti odtenki, čudoviti nohtki. :w00t:
Hvala za prijazne komentarje, punce! :rose:
Meni so res eni najlepših lakov, kar jih imam. In imam jih (kar) veliko. :ccc:
Uporabna opomba: zelenega Mint Mojito sem nanesla brez podlaka in je bil na nohtih cca štiri ure. Zelo mi je obarval nohte na zeleno, tako da je uporaba podlaka priporočljiva, če ne celo obvezna. :idea:
.-= Mamy´s last post … H&M: Bella’s Choice, U Must Have This and Aquatini, swatches =-.
Meni se je Gumdrop najbolj usedel v srce. :wub:
.-= Gejba´s last post … China Glaze – Watermelon Rind + Essie MAY =-.
Cudovito!!! Vse je prfektno! Pa še tako lepe fotke delaš! :wub:
OMG, vsi trije so prelepi (pa še čisto pomladni) ♥
Najbolj mi je všeč na temni podlagi čeprav tudi na berry dobro izpade. Najmanj mi je všeč na mlečnem odtenku – mogoče bi se tukaj srebrne bleščice bolje obnesle. Imaš mogoče izkušnje tudi z Konad glitter gold Topcoat (tega se tudi pri nas dobi). Malo sem skeptična glede tega tresenja teh lakov z bleščicami – verjetno se slej kot prej pojavijo mehurčki notri?
Se opravičujem. Zgornnji komentar se nanaša na prispevek Orly Prisma Gold as top coat
Konadovega glitter nadlaka ne poznam. Tudi jaz sem pričakovala mehurčke, vendar je očitno formula teh lakov drugačna, ker nimam nikoli težav z bleščičastimi nadlaki. :think:
.-= Gejba´s last post … China Glaze – Watermelon Rind + Essie MAY =-.
Ma, čisto vsi so mi všeč. :wub:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Swatch and review: Illamasqua – Nudge nail polish =-.
Snowcone mi je najlepši :wub:
Kakšni so pa lip glossi? So za kaj? :lips:
Goga, lepi so za pogledat, lepo dišijo, dajo ustnicam sijaj in niso obarvani. :wink:
.-= Mamy´s last post … H&M: Bella’s Choice, U Must Have This and Aquatini, swatches =-.
Prekrasni so! :stars:
joj, bonbončki! res so lepi. Mint mojito… sanjski! zraven kakšne divje srajčke… :stars:
Čudoviti! :wub:
Krasno izgledajo :yes: in čudovite fotke :thumb: