A few of our readers commented on my last post, that they would love to see, how does the make up look with my eyes opened. My eyes were really really red when I finished with the make up. I have sensitive eyes, I guess. I didn’t want to show you these pics, but if you wanted to see them, here they are. (I had to pimp the pictures “a bit” (Maybe I pimped them too much, though). Otherwise, they would scare you to death. )
And here’s another suggestion for a manicure that would look good with the Illamasqua look.
The manicure was suggested by our reader Ulmiel. She suggested that I should combine Illamasqua Rampage with the Zoya Veruschka. Brilliant idea! Well, I don’t have the Rampage nail polish. I tried to find a similar polish in my stash and I think that Ciate – Stiletto is the closest (although it’s obviously not a dupe).
What do you think? Did I scare you with my open eyes? And what do you think about the half moon manicure (besides that the moons are too big )?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Tale make up je res čista popolnost, senčke pa že na mojem seznamu (upam, da mi uspe, ko jih dobim. :) Najlepša hvala za odgovor v prejšnjem prispevku! Sem tudi počaščena, da si sledila mojemu predlogu, tale manikura je res super (čeprav nisem ljubiteljica half moon manikure, še vedno mislim, da v takile kombinaciji m-u izpade fenomenalno), temnejša zelena je za lunice pomoje veliko boljša. :) Za nameček pa še res čudovite oči in kako naj ne bi človek pisal same hvale v komentarju?? :) Hvala za dodatne slike in super idejo. :rose:
Thank you for all of the lovely comments, ladies! :rose: I’m glad you liked my make up. I really wasn’t sure about this one, because it’s so different of what I usually do. But I was bored of doing the same thing again and again. If I’ll find some time, I’ll create more such looks in the future. ;)
.-= Maestra´s last post … Readers request: Illamasqua inspired look – open eye and another manicure =-.
mater, kake lepe oči :bow:
rdeče oči se sploh ne opazijo zraven tega lepega MU-ja :cute: Mu je pa ta kombinacija na nohtih bolj všeč kot prejšnja :yes:
.-= Lyra´s last post … Essence: Into The Wild Trend Edition =-.
Not scary at all! You have beautifully-colored eyes. :hmm:
That green half-moonie is a great idea. Will you be doing it again, trying different color schemes?
Thank you, Kimberly! Well, maybe I will. I’m not a huge fan of half moon manis but will see. ;)
.-= Maestra´s last post … Readers request: Illamasqua inspired look – open eye and another manicure =-.
js tut rdečih oči nisem opazila, dokler nisem prebrala :wink:
krasen MU :wub:
Zelo lepe učke.
Those photos are beautiful!!!
Manikura mi ni posebno všeč, je pa make up čudovit. :wub: Sploh ne bi opazila rdečih oči (vsaj ne takoj), če ne bi napisala. Poznam te težave… Moje oči so tudi zelo občutljive.
Jaaaaaaaaa :thumb: :stars: :w00t:
Ful je hud. Hvala Maestra :rose:
Popoln make up! Amen! :drop:
Hvala, Maestra. :stars:
.-= Mamy´s last post … Orly: Gumdrop and Snowcone from Sweet Collection and Mint Mojito =-.
O, ja – tukaj se vidi vsa lepota make-upa. :wub:
Rdečo beločnico sem pa enostavno odmislila. :biggrin:
.-= Gejba´s last post … China Glaze – Watermelon Rind + Essie MAY =-.