A day to remember and a KOTD: Jessica – Viva La Lime Lights with IP A05 and a fimo flower

I’ve had a great time today! It was one of those days … when everything turns out great. The weather was fantastic. Sunny and hot. I spent some great time with my brother and his family. Nephews are the best! My brother’s girlfriend participated in a 5 km run for women and we all went to cheer for her. There were about 7000 women running and it was a joy to watch. No, I didn’t run. Running isn’t for me … I’m too lazy for running. Actually, at the moment I’m too lazy for anything.

Here’s how the start looked like … Do you see the motivation in the front?

5th DM run for women
5th DM run for women

No wonder women ran as if their lives depended on it.

5th DM run for women
5th DM run for women

I know the photos aren’t good, but did you notice the lime green T shirts? These were the T shirts with the running numbers. It turned out I did a matching konadicure.

Konadicure: Jessica - Viva La Lime Light + IP A05 with China Glaze - Cherish and fimo flower
Jessica – Viva La Lime Light + IP A05 with China Glaze – Cherish and fimo flower

I’m really enjoying my today’s konadicure. Almost everything about it turned out the way I wanted or even better and that only happens on rare occasions.

I started with three coats of Jessica – Viva La Lime Lights. The shade is new and it’s from the Electric collection. I love the color but I’m not so fond of the application, which is streaky. You’ll definitely need three coats for this one. Fortunately it dries quickly and it’s a gorgeous shade! Despite the not-awesome application I’m happy I bought it. I forgot to take a picture of VLLL on it’s own. Sorry …

When the green manicure was dry I added some stamps to it with IP A05 and China Glaze – Adore Cherish. For the final touch I added a fimo flower. I love fimo stuff for the nails, but I’ve never actually used a thing, because I was terrified that it would look thick and that it would lift etc. That’s why I glued (with clear polish) the flower very carefully and I think it turned out great. Yay!

Here it is once again …

Konadicure: Jessica - Viva La Lime Light + IP A05 with China Glaze - Cherish and fimo flower
Jessica – Viva La Lime Light + IP A05 with China Glaze – Cherish and fimo flower

What do you think about the konadicure? Do you use fimo nail art stuff or do you think it’s just over the top?

And respect to all women who ran today the 5 km or even 10 km! You were all winners today!

Thank you, my sunshines for a beautiful day! It was a day to remember …

Edit: For stamping I used China Glaze – Cherish and not Adore. I’m sorry for the mistake!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

23 thoughts on “A day to remember and a KOTD: Jessica – Viva La Lime Lights with IP A05 and a fimo flower”

  1. Res super manikura! In fantastična barva laka! Žal se z mojim tenom kože tako svetle zelene ne marajo preveč, vendar bi tejle dala priložnost. Konada načeloma ne maram preveč ravno zato, ker rade ustvarjalke pretiravajo z dodatki, tale je pa res kombinacija diskretnosti in opaznosti na super nivoju. Pohvale!
    Sicer pa kapo dol tekačicam. Jaz že po 15 minutah teka ne zdržim več. 5 ali 10 km … super ste, punce.

  2. Joj, tole je pa res srčkana manikura! Taka lepa, nežna se mi zdi..  :thumb:
    O  “motivaciji” pa ne bi zgubljala besed – slika pove največ! :biggrin:

  3. Naslednje leto pa bom tudi jaz šla na tek   :yes: :roll: ;) No potrudila se bom
    Ta manikura pa je prfektna! Za moje pojme najlepša do sedaj. Všeč mi je ker ni prevelik kontrast med barvami + tista rožica  :wub:

  4. First, the pictures with the men….well, I’d jump off the couch and run for that too…hubba!!!  :w00t:
    And that manicure, OMG!!!  How darling is that!  I haven’t tried any fimo.  I wonder if I have the patience for it.

  5. Yay!! I’m glad you had a great day and LOL @ the motivation.
    The mani is really pretty! It’s like…complex but subtle. And I love how you used the fimo. I don’t use it because I’m too lazy to cut it and I think my nails are a little too short for them. Like, they’d overwhelm my nails and I’d look crazy. But it looks awesome on you!

  6. Super motivacija za tek!  :wink:  :wub: Drugo leto se ga bom tudi jaz udeležila, če se uspem kaj večkrat spravit teči. Poskusi s tekom v družbi, je zabaven in hitro mine! Tako se tudi takšne lenobe kot sem jaz (in verjemi, da sem takšna poštena) spravijo počet nekaj kar so nekoč sovražile iz dna srca :)
    Pa zelo luštna manikura :)

  7. Odlično je..   :thumb:
    Čime si rezala fimo? Ja sam uzela na ebayu 50 štapića i stoje i skupljaju prašinu jer ih ne znam lijepo narezati. Naručila sam si na netu fimo rezač i sad čekam da dođe.  :nails:

  8. such a wonderful konadicure – the fimo doesn’t even look raised at all
    it stands out and blends in at the same time

  9. I have to admit too- I’m too lazy *joins your party * :biggrin:
    I love fimo nail art- I only have a few that I sliced myself and somehow itching to buy more just to slice them :blush:  I love how they spice up a manicure- not a whole bouquet/fruit salad, but an accent finger and you’re done :)

    • Let’s have a lazy party! :party: :biggrin:

      I was lucky enough (thanks to the lovely Thriszha) that my fimo was already sliced. I don’t know how would the slices be, if I sliced them myself.  :undecided: These were really thin. :thumb:

      .-= Maestra´s last post …
      LOL to the fruit salad. :biggrin:
      POTD: China Glaze – Emerald Sparkle =-.


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