One of the polishes from last Trans Design package is also China Glaze Orange Marmalade polish. Every time I see this pretty polish, I think of Nati and her crush on Marmalade. :D
If I didn’t really like this collection last year, I simply love it this year.

True orange base with glass flecked formula.

I used two layers with no top coat.
Only 50 GFC followers till the next giveaway.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
jaoo, kok nore fotke! hvala za reklamo, čeprav me je prav sram, kako zanič fotke so na mojem blogu! prav krivico delajo tejle marmeladki. Noro! in krasno ti paše!
Verjetno ne bom nikoli pozabila kako navdušena si bila nad tem odtenkom. :biggrin:
Baš je kao marmelada :D yummy
A, ha. :yes:
Majčkeno podoben s-he 208? :)
Tega pa nimam tako, da ne morem primerjat. :roll:
I’m totally in love with this color! It’s one of my all-time favorite polishes!
It really is fantastic color. :wub:
Izgleda res kot marmelada … njami njami :)
S koščki sadja? :biggrin:
Res je luškan! :yes:
Jope – must have. :silly: