Review: Viva La Nails nail art accessories

Viva La Nails Internet store with nail art supplies sent us some of their products for a review.

Viva La Nails nail art

We got rhinestones, fabric flowers, glitter …

Viva La Nails nail art

… nail stickers and water decals.

Viva La Nails nail art

Water decals were something new for me – it’s a good thing that they have Youtube instruction movie on the site or I would have no clue what to do with them. :D

I almost fell from the chair from laughter after Mamy said that water decals are piece of cake – she uses same thing every year to decorate the Easter eggs. So which one came first – Easter eggs or nail art?

Mamy, Maestra and I split the products and today we have our first Viva La Nails manicures for you.

Mamy was so impressed with nail art thingies she used them all … in the same manicure. :D

American Apparel Cotton + Viva La Nails

First I planed to use flowers from Mamy’s manicure over white base, but after I saw her manicure, I decided to do something different. I chose Ciate Headliner as a base (color is not accurate) and black butterfly sticker on top of it (NSB05).

I like stickers on a see-though base. You can play around with the placement before you actually use the sticker.

Ciate Headliner + Viva La Nails NSB05

But … Maestra was on the similar wave length. Take a look at her manicure. :D

Barry M Mint Green + Konad + Viva La Nails

Well – we did pick out different butterfly. :D

Which sticker, water decal or rhinestone caught your eye?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

16 thoughts on “Review: Viva La Nails nail art accessories”

  1. I ordered over £70 worth of stuff from this site and it failed to show up. No tracking number was giving and they would not give me my money back. The also like everyone to think there from the uk when ther not.

    Buy from them at your own risk.

  2. I have some of their (Viva) nail art decals in the mail on the way. I can’t wait to try them, especially with my konad stamps. It’s not as “artsy” as I would like but it creates a perfect design. Sometimes I need to get my nails done super fast, and this is a perfect product for that!

  3. Zelo lepo! Glede na to da mi konaditura ne gre (nikakor mi ne uspe narediti lepega odtisa na nohtu) si bom nabavila nekaj teh nalepkic, ki ste jih predstavile. Kamenčki se mi zdijo preveč zakomplicirani.
    Kateri je ta moder lak?

  4. Mene mučijo rdeče “solzice”. Že študiram h kateri konadikuri bi jih lahko dodala. :biggrin:

    .-= Gejba´s last post … Giveaway- Essence Eclipse and Return To Paradise =-.

  5. Vodne nalepke so mi zelo všeč, običajne tudi. Nanašanje kamenčkov zna biti precej zahtevno opravilo, končni izgled je seveda vreden truda. Morda so okraski iz tekstila še najmanj uporabni. Ja, skoncentrirala sem vse na eni fotki, ker me je zanimalo, kako se bo kakšna stvar obnesla. Od doma pa tako okrašena ne bi šla.  :haha:

  6. Hehe, tudi zame metuljčki, ja, in rdeče vrtnice, na rdeči podlagi (samo drugačnega odtenka). :)  Ekstra okraski na nohtu mi navadno niso posebno pri srcu, vendar če je zelo diskreten, mi je všeč (npr. samo na enem nohtku :)). Morda je bilo že omenjeno, če je bilo, se opravičujem, vendar me res zanima konad šablona Maestrine manikure? Super lepo! :) :w00t: :stars:

  7. All 3 manicures are absolutely gorgeous!! I love them all =)
    The butterflies are so cute! I love using nail stickers for quick and easy nail art.


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