Tip of the day

By Mamy

If your neighbor asks you to lend him the ladder, let him borrow it without the delay. Cherry tree is so high that the beautiful cherries can only be reached by the ladder. After a few hours our neighbor gave us back the ladder and a full plate of  delicious, juicy, fresh cherries. 



There were so many of them, that we couldn’t eat all of them right away. So the whole family voted for the cherry pie.

Cherry Pie
Cherry Pie

Cherry Pie

The tip of the day: if your neighbor asks you to lend him the ladder, let him borrow it without the delay

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10 thoughts on “Tip of the day”

  1. That’s really sweet of you and your neighbors! I like when people reciprocate the kindness that they receive; it makes me feel a lot happier about the way the world is.  :yes:
    Btw: I am so jealous you have pie!

  2. Mi imamo tudi enih 7 češnjevih dreves. Pa so vsa tako nizka, da sploh ne potrebujemo lestve. Samo postaviš se zraven pa ješ. =D


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