Today is the day for H&M – Red Nail

By Mamy

I love red polishes. I used to believe that there is no prettier polish color than red, but my horizon has stretched very far since then. Nevertheless my love for the red polishes is still there, especially for neutral red ones.

There is no better polish for showing you pure red polish than H&M – Red Nail.

H&M - Red Nail; swatch, bottle
H&M – Red Nail

Polish is very opaque, I used two coats but one would be enough, it drys quickly, application is great, finish is creme. Anything else? No, I think that is all I have to say. If you’re red polish lover, I highly recommend you get your self this shade.

H&M - Red Nail, swatch
H&M – Red Nail
H&M - Red Nail, swatch
H&M – Red Nail
H&M - Red Nail, swatch
H&M – Red Nail, sun

H&M - Red nail, swatch

Red variations …

Fuksija / Fuchsia
Petunija, Petunia
Petunija / Petunia
Milijon Zvonckov, Million Bells, red
Milijon Zvončkov / Million Bells

And there are many more to come in one of my future posts.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

14 thoughts on “Today is the day for H&M – Red Nail”

  1. Hvala za luštne komentarje, ki jih vedno z veseljem prebiram. Zaradi njih je swatch-anje prijetno opravilo.     :love:
    Ja, lak je pa tudi meni zelo všeč. :love: Škoda, da imam zadnje čase tako malo časa za pisanje, novih lakov pa ogromnooooo.  V upanju, da kmalu spet kaj pofotkam in spesnim, vas lepo pozdravljam.  :wave:

  2. mmmmm kako je lep :wub:  tega rdečkota se pa sploh nebi branla :hmm: tudi jaz sem ljubiteljica klasične rdeče :yes:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Ciate: Main Stage + Konad =-.

  3. hihi,jst sem si lih vcerej pobarvala nohte s rdeckotom-sicer z essence jelly mi zdi kar podoben odtenek. :yes:

  4. Zelo lepa rdečka. Ravno tako, brez drugih barvnih podtonov je najtežje dobiti.  Tvoje rožice so pa tako vedno krasne :wink:


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