DIY: Polish Rack

I’ve been living in Murphy law(s) land for the last couple of weeks – nothing is going as it should.

My darling cheered me up with special DIY project – we made a medium sized nail polish rack/stand.

At first we planed to make a rack from scratch, but we couldn’t find appropriate materials, so we decided to convert CD rack into the nail polish one. They were the only piece of furniture narrow enough for my needs.

We bought inexpensive CD rack in Lidl store. The only downside were plastic organizers, but we got rid of them. We bought the saw, but otherwise we found a lot of useful tools among the things we already owned: kitchen knives, foot files … .  :D

I made Youtube clip of the rack from both sides and few pics of building process itself. If you get sea sick, you might want to skip the last part with the actual movie – my hands shake a lot so the camera is all over the place. 

I removed the “back” of the rack so I can better see the polishes. First I wanted to have two middle shelves but there just wasn’t enough vertical space between larger shelves. I put rack on transport wheel and I now have mobile nail polish rack.

Photo of the rack for the end with approximately 170 polishes on it:

Stojalo za lake - Parokeets

Now I need another stand for the rest of my polishes. This time it can be wider, so I’ll have better choice among the CD racks. :D

P.S. Results of the Summer is here! giveaway will probably be known later today. Most of the entries is already entered in the spreadsheet.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

24 thoughts on “DIY: Polish Rack”

  1. Odlična ideja ! Mene bi mogoče samo to malo skrbelo da ne bi kakšen lak dol padel ob obračanju omarice (sem bolj štor pa je pri meni ponavadi tako da če je 1% možnosti da se bo nekaj zgodilo se dejansko tudi bo)

  2. Holy crap that is a LOT of nail polish!  I told myself I am not allowed to buy more than 2 nail polishes a week and I have to earn them by getting rid of two things that clutter our house.  Its sad how easily I am like “Who needs clothes?

  3. Odlično si to osmislila i sjajno izgleda! Nije ti uopće loša ideja, mogla bih si i ja kupiti nešto tako, ali u puno manjem izdanju obzirom da nemam toliko lakova :D :wub:

  4. fabulous!! i just bought a 5  plastic drawer that only 7 inches tall and it can hold 70-90 polishes (depends on size) and I love it for Its free from dust… I used to have this kind of polish rack but  i cant tolerate the dust..maybe If it has a cover it would be great..LOL!! love ur  DIY polish rack… :wub:

  5. I really like this.  And, I’d love to have one…or two.  But the downside would that my husband would actually SEE how many nail polishes I have.  :scared:

  6. That’s a really a cool idea. :idea: I’d have to try to remember that.  I have all mine in a caboddle  makeup case and in two little storage cases and a few on my dresser.

  7. sploh ne vem kaj je lepše – stojalo od daleč ali posnetki teh čudovitih barvnih lepotcev od blizu! Krasno!

  8. Gejba, tole je pa res fantastično! W-o-w!! :drop: Še večje pohvale si zaslužita, ker sta čisto sama vse skupaj predelala! Zdaj si mi res dala idejo, čeprav jaz takega stojala za 170 lakov še lep čas ne bom zapolnila (bi pa imela vsaj izgovor za kupovanje novih :wink: ). Me pa nekaj zanima, če sem lahko mal firbčna – si kaj računala na število lakov, ki bi jih spravila v eno vrsto, se pravi na njihovo višino in obliko (glede na to, da ni dveh znamk z isto stekleničko, se mi zdi namreč velik dosežek, da ti tako fino padejo v polico), ali si kupovala čisto glede na velikost omarice, ki bi ti ustrezala glede na prostor v sobi?

    • Hvala. :rose:

      Vodila me je predvsem širina omarice, ker imam ravno toliko prostora ob pisalni mizi in sem želela imeti poleg lakce. :biggrin:

      Pri količini lakov, ki jo imam jaz se vedno najdejo ustrezne oblike, ki zapolnijo eno polico. :blush:

      Ni sicer še čisto dokončana, ker iščem še kak kratek in ozek rolo, tako da tudi svetloba ne bi prišla do živega mojim lepotcem. :silly:


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