Zoya – Ivanka

I’m sure I don’t need to write a lot about the beautiful Ivanka. You have seen it probably a thousand time already. I won’t write much about it. It’s gorgeous and one of my favourite greens! Here she is …

Swatch: Zoya - Ivanka
Zoya – Ivanka (2 coats)
Swatch: Zoya - Ivanka
Zoya – Ivanka (2 coats)
Detail: Zoya - Ivanka
Detail: Zoya – Ivanka (2 coats)

Isn’t she a magnificent creation? You just have to love her!

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13 thoughts on “Zoya – Ivanka”

  1. I LOVE Ivanka! It looks amazing on you! My bottle got broken during transport and I scraped every last drop I could to get at least one mani out of that mess because it was just too stunning to dump without enjoying it at least once. I’m seriously considering buying another bottle though.


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