While browsing and searching for something on my disc, I found one make up I did almost a year ago and I didn’t show it to you yet (at least that’s what I think). You can imagine I don’t have a clue what I used to create the look, but I’ll show it to you anyway. Here it is …
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
The emu is very pretty!!!
Gorgeous !
Thank you, ladies!!! :rose: :cute: I’ll try to include more MU pictures in the future. ;)
.-= Maestra´s last post … Last year’s EOTD – =-.
Uau, res lepo posenčene očke! kakšen nakeup prav popestri blog! :cute:
Oh, i’m totally loving it, kot vedno. :yes: :hmm: Fantastično! Odkar občudujem tvoje očke in noro lep make up, me čedalje bolj mika sporbati tele senčke od Čarodejke … se drži že od Illamasque izgleda. :wink: Tudi tele so videti podobne kvalitete, me prav zanima, če so njene. Jaz imam doma žal paleto senčk, ki niti slučajno niso tako dobre, res rabim kaj novega. No, kakorkoli, pohvale!
Uu, lepo poudari barvo oči. :w00t:
Jooj Maestra ti delaš resnično prekrasne make upe! Da bi tudi jaz znala kaj podobnega ustvarit, bi pa res vsak dan prej vstala in si naredila make up, tako si ga pa le redkokdaj.
:hmm: so pretty make-up :thumb: i love it
Krasen izbor barv. :wub:
beautiful eotd!
really nice!!
Who’s the winner from your give away?
Since there is more than a 1000 entries to be entered into the table, results won’t be known until tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest. :wink: