Too Faced haul and EOTD

I was shopping at Sephora yesterday. Among other (two nail polishes, a lip gloss and an eyeshadow) I bought my first Too Faced product! I’m excited! Look, what I got!

Too Faced Sephora Haul
Too Faced Haul

I love the funny writings on their packaging, like “Product tested on celebrities not animals” or “Forget Wall St., invest in make-up!” Aren’t they funny?

I can’t believe that I bought a palette. I usually don’t like palettes, but Too Faced palettes are just too cute and mine was on sale! And you know what? I love it! I love every single thing in it!

Too Faced - Fun in the Dark palette
Too Faced – Fun in the Dark palette

I tried it today and everything included works great with my skin tone.

I also bought two single eye shadows Label Whore and Socialite and a lip gloss Girls Dig Pearls – Tropical Pink, which was also on sale.

You can imagine that I had to test everything today. Here’s my EOTD …

Make up: Too Faced: Pin Up, Label Whore, Lucky Charms, Full Frontal
Make up with Too Faced eye shadows
Make up: Too Faced: Pin Up, Label Whore, Lucky Charms, Full Frontal
Make up with Too Faced eye shadows
Make up: Too Faced: Pin Up, Label Whore, Lucky Charms, Full Frontal
Make up with Too Faced eye shadows
Make up: Too Faced: Pin Up, Label Whore, Lucky Charms, Full Frontal
Make up with Too Faced eye shadows


EOTD: Too Faced: Pin Up, Label Whore, Lucky Charms, Full Frontal; NOTD - Aura nail polishes and CND - Gold Sparkle
… the look …

NOTD = 1 coat Aura – On The Edge + 1 coat Aura – So Different + 1 coat CND – Gold Sparkle.

I hope you liked my EOTD and I would be glad to hear your thoughts on Too Faced make up. What are your favourite products etc. Let me know in the comments.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

22 thoughts on “Too Faced haul and EOTD”

  1. Your EOTD is wonderful! The green and brown e/s are superb! I’ve heard and read a lot about Too Faced (some say that their e/s base is good) but I’d betray my principles in buying expensive stuff again. I’m a cheapo lover by heart and skin tolerance. :-)

  2. Hi! Your blog is awesome, you know? ;)
    I’ve never heard about Too Faced products but it seems to be really interesting mark :>
    Please, feel free to visit my nail blog ;) :happy:

  3. the palette looks lovely and so does your makeup!! i don’t own any too faced eyeshadows but you want to make me buy them! also love the “tested on celebrities” :naughty:

  4. Hi there!
    Whoa! This nail polish is really nice! Just like your eyes :yes:
    Ah, now I have my own blog, just like you told me to do :naughty:
    Drop by!
    Paty :nails:

  5. Wauuuu :w00t: :zip: :w00t:   vedno ko preberem tvoj prispevek, me za nekaj navdušiš in bi jaz to mela :party: :happy:
    Res je super embalaža in paleta izgleda fantastično :biggrin:
    Zadnja fotka pa ZMAGA!!!!!!!

  6. Kolko je pa stala paleta? A se splača pogledat v Zagreb v Sephoro, imajo dosti izbire?
    Lep eotd in notd!

    • Če se ne motim, je bila paleta 119kun. Izbira je tako no … v primerjavi s Sephoro na Times Square-u NYC, kjer sem bila lani, nična. A vseeno ni švoh. Predvsem te Too Faced zadeve in Sephora znamka, ostalo me ni pritegnilo. Jaz sem vesela, da sem šla pogledat … zagotovo bom še šla.

      .-= Maestra´s last post … Too Faced haul and EOTD =-.

  7. Oh nice. Palette is great, very ‘my’ colors. My favorite eye shadows are Guerlains (mostly 4 shades palettes) and Clinique (trios! I love, love, love my Doe-Eyed palette :yes: ).
    Nails are also awesome :naughty:

  8. Razen TFI nimam nič drugega, čeprav si me sedaj prav navdušila za njihove paletke … pa sploh ne maram stisnjenih senčk.

    Pa ne bi o Alverde baked senčki in Essence senčki ter smokey duotu, ki so zaradi tebe danes odšli z menoj domov (no za Alverde je malo kriva tudi Goga).  :haha:

    Še dobro, da imam vse lakce, ki si jih uporabila za manikuro. :fju:   :silly:

  9. ooo kul! krasne NP!
    a to si bila v Zagrebu v Sephori?
    js imam od too faced samo primer in sem kar zadovoljna – ne zmanjka ga in ne zmanjka :)


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