Hundred times seen Essence Undead? polish from Eclipse TE … one swatch more won’t hurt, right? :D
I like the base, shimmer also, but in my opinion this shade lacks depth. If I find time in a near future, I’ll play around with it and create something more to my liking.

I used two layers + top coat. Application was OK, brush was nice too, but over-sized caps make me laugh every time.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Aww, it’s lovely AND TWILIGHT… Double awww :D It really is lovely, too bad Essence is not sold in here :P
Ovaj lak je prekrasan! :wub:
Čuuuuuuuuuuudovit je! :w00t:
Mene je samostojno tud razočaral. :hmm: Pod konadom mi je bil pa zakon. :yes:
Sem videla konadikuro – zelo všečna. :thumb:
I couldn’t buy any nail polish from this LE (T__T)
You didn’t like them or they don’t sell them in your country?
I like the name of this polish. The polish on its own also because it reminds me of Lubu Heels or Vampira Polish :yes:
It looks good on you :wink:
Thx Lili. It definitely has potential but if fails to live up to it in my eyes. :hmm:
Oh, I see :yes: I have all three of them (Undead?, Lubu Heels and Vampira Polish) and my favorite is definitely Lubu Heels (I’m a fan of Ruby Pumps and Lubu Heels :wub: even if they remove like hell…) :nails:
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Best greetings
Fantastic! Enjoy your new goodies. :angel: