Catrice – Clay-ton, My Hero

I’m still uploading programs and files on my computer after the upgrade, so I have one of the archive swatches for you today.

Catrice Clay-ton, My Hero is one of those shades you love or have. Polish-holicks tend to love it and other … well not so much.  :D

Catrice - Clay-ton, My Hero swatch by Parokeets
Catrice – Clay-ton, My Hero: sun

I can’t say I love gray base with little bit of brown undertone, but the shimmer … 

Catrice - Clay-ton, My Hero swatch
Catrice – Clay-ton, My Hero: shade
Catrice - Clay-ton, My Hero swatch
Catrice – Clay-ton, My Hero: lightbox

To conclude: I love Clay-ton, My Hero in the sun, otherwise … not so much.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

16 thoughts on “Catrice – Clay-ton, My Hero”

  1. Hehe, se kar strinjam z napisanim. Ko sem ga videla v steklenički (bil je darilo) sem bila kar malo hmmm… nisem ravno za rjave odtenke, nikoli. Ampak na nohtih. Ah, poezija. Clay-ton je največji dokaz, kako lahko shimmer totalno reši ali uniči odtenek. Tu ga je definitivno rešil. Sicer sem pa mislila, da je samo od mojih kolegic, ki niso tako navdušene nad laki kot jaz, ta reakcija: kaj za vraga imaš na nohtih?, pa je očitno bolj razširjeno, hehe.


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