Ombre Manicure with Avon’s green polishes

As soon as I saw the new green polishes by Avon in person, I knew they are going to be perfect for a Ombre Manicure which I wanted to try for a long long time. I sat down and began to mix colors … one after another. Here’s what I ended with.

Ombre Manicure with Avon's Peppermint Leaf and Green With Envy
Ombre Manicure with Avon\’s Peppermint Leaf and Green With Envy
Ombre Manicure with Avon's Peppermint Leaf and Green With Envy
Ombre Manicure with Avon\’s Peppermint Leaf and Green With Envy
Ombre Manicure with Avon's Peppermint Leaf and Green With Envy
Ombre Manicure with Avon\’s Peppermint Leaf and Green With Envy

I started with the lightest shade called Peppermint Leaf and applied it in one coat on both of my pinkies. Then I started to mix … and added drop by drop the Green With Envy to the Peppermint Leaf until I was satisfied with each shade.

I was quite happy with the end result. Unfortunately these polishes chipped on me very fast. Too fast. I wasn’t happy about that.

Have you tried the Ombre Manicure yet?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

21 thoughts on “Ombre Manicure with Avon’s green polishes”

    • Pogledala on-line katalog in sta ta dva odtenka še noter. :yes: Olive green nimam (v katalogu ga zdaj ne najdem) in tudi nisem prepričana, da je lak s tem imenom pri nas sploh bil na voljo. :undecided: :yes:

  1. Lepoo :hmm:  Škoda da se je hitro okrušilo, sploh ker za kaj takega porabiš kr dosti časa
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Nubar- Raspberry Truffle =-.

  2. :happy: Love this manicure! I haven’t used an Avon polish in years.  They always chipped fast on me.  I’ve never tried this type of manicure.  I love how it looks.  Especially with my favorite shade of nail polish.

  3. Oooo, kako zakon izpade!! Super! Nisem še preizkusila ombre manikuro, niti me ne mika kaj dosti zaradi mešanja lakov, za kar sem mičkeno lena. :blush:  Ampak tvoja kombinacija je res super, zamikala sta me oba Avončka, kljub neobstojnosti. Škoda, da se je prehitro odkrušil.

  4. Sicer ombre manikure še nisem preizkusila, ampak tale je res čudovita :rose: . Se bom morala malo poigrati z lakci :nails: . Barve so naravnost fantastični :yes: , škoda da se je hitro okrušila.


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