Essence Denim Wanted! polishes are finally mine.
And since the luck would have it, I found almost intact stand … and bought all five polishes.
I’ve been anxious to get my hand on blue shades for months now and if I missed them … it would be the end of the world. OK – maybe not that, but close enough. My boyfriend probably thought I lost my mind after I started jumping up and down when I saw Denim Wanted! stand.
Enough chatter, let’s take a look at polishes.
The same tip Maestra gave you about gray shade application, goes for all the polishes from this TE – brush must be loaded with polish to get problem free application. I used 2 layers + top coat in all the photos.
The lightest shade is called High Waist Pink. It’s quite interesting to watch this shade change it’s undertone – it goes from coral, to bubble gum pink and finally light pink. But it is always very wearable pink shade.
Gray shade goes by the name Fivepocket Grey. Maestra already showed you this one in her Denim Wanted TE post. I agree with her that there is slightly greenish undertone to this shade. And please ignore the shades seen on the polish. I promise you, the surface is completely smooth as seen on the little finger.
Even-though My Boyfriend’s Jeans polish was my favorite after I saw promo pics, Forever Mine almost won the battle after I held them both in my hands. I don’t think I ever saw this perfect cyan and very pigmented to boot.
Polish is a bit to blue on the photo. Imagine a little bit of green splash in there.
My Boyfriend’s Jeans completely met my expectations. Muted blue with gray undertone.
I was intrigued with I Love My Jeans after Goga said that it looks like silver poured in black base. This is the only shimmer polish in this collection. Shimmer is composed of many colors, but silver one prevails.

All of the polishes can be used for konading. Here you can see the konadicure I did with I Love My Jeans + fauxnad IP H7 over Fivepocket Grey shade.
It’s Maestra’s fault that I spend more than half and hour playing with matte top coats as konad polishes. :D
I found out that you need light speed to transfer image if made with Essie MAY top coat, but supersonic is enough for z Essence Matte Top Coat. And I just barely reach supersonic speed.
Forever Mine + konadicure with Essence Matte Top Coat + fauxnad H7 image plate:
Price for 9ml bottle is 1,99 EUR.
Now quickly – tell me which one is your favorite and if you already own any of these shades.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I don’t have anything from this collection and even though I’d happily accept all of the polishes, I’m partial to blue. So, If I *had* to choose, it would definitely be the blue ones and it would be My Boyfriend’s Jeans before Forever Blue. :) But, I also really like I Love My Jeans. omg -PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE!!! LOL
PS. I LOOOOOVE your little animated smileys. You match up the perfect expression and/or reaction to go with the perfection statement. They crack me up. This one is my favorite: :nails: I bet you can’t guess why. :wink:
I reposted your post (linked it with one of your pictures – of course mentioning that its your pic) on to my blog :)
Since I was doing swatches from the eye shadows and the black eye
:cute: liner
I bought the matt top coat today and I fell that it dries way to fast, I need to play around a little more but it’s really matt indeed :yes:
In seveda so stojalca v Müllerju popolnoma izropana. En rožnat lak in en črn eyeliner pa dve zapestnici so še bili tam … ostalo vse long gone. :bljak: (hehe, posrečen smajli, nekako takole sem hotela narest pred Essence stojalom danes) Če ga DM ne bo imel se v naslabšem primeru lahko počaka seveda na Leclerc, oni zmeraj zeeeeeeeeeeelo zamujajo s temi kolekcijami, dobijo pa jih.
The grey one is my fave, very classy !
These colors are so beautiful! :yes:
Forever mine me najbolj prepriča. Čeprav imam tudi jaz smolo s praznimi stojali, kar me zdaj ko vidim te lepe swatche še posebno jezi.
Oh, beauties :wub: I really want Fivepocket Grey, My Boyfriend’s Jeans, I Love My Jeans :hmm: :hmm:
nice colours (:
O.M.G.!! The last two pics…so pretty!! I like the polishes and all but I LOVE what you did with konad! I don’t have any of these yet but will keep my eyes peeled for the gray and dark blue one. Great post!
haha, ti je srce na mjestu? i kod nas je došlo! nabavila sam nadlake (zadnja 2 su moja)! a od ove kolekcije je do lakova samo Fivepocket Grey ostao!
i naravno oba gel linera su moja!
i da, uzela sam shrekasti! :wub:
O, da. :fju:
He, he, he – kako da je pao shrek?
meni ce bit smak svijeta ako se ne docepam tih plavih :sorry: prekrasni su, a i sivi ce se nac u mojoj kosarici ako budem te srece :nails:
Ako dođu u DM, biće dosta za sve, a ako ne … :cool:
I want them all! Especially the gray one, I really need a new gray. And the matte top coat.
Good choice. :thumb:
joj, kako so lepi :wub: še dobro da imam skoraj vse, drugače bi se ob tem postu požrla :nervous: :yes:
Za katerega se nisi odločila? :silly:
rozasti me je pustil čisto ravnodušno :yes:
Svi su prekrasni… najradije bi sve kupila.. ali se moram suzdržat jer sam u zadnje vrijeme preko 30 lakova kupila.. :smell:
Znam kako ti je, ali se za jednom još ne suzdržavam. :silly:
Bi lahko naredili primerjavo črnega lakca iz te kolekcije (I Love My Jeans) in črnega iz kolekcije Moonlight?
Se bom potrudila izbrskat Moonlight kolekcijo. :biggrin:
Če se prav spomnim, je bil tisti poln srebrnih bleščic.
waaaaaaaaaaaa…. oh my … ohh .my.. geijba..ur swatches makes my lemming more & more… :stars: . waaaaaaaaaa i love Fivepocket Grey for i only have 2 grey polish & 1 was came from Maestra the s-he one & 1 is from our local store here… weeeeeeeeee….i love my jeans for its good in kanading wow… thats really fabulous…OHh maestra geijba add another stuff on my lemming!!! :nervous: essence makes me crazy..LOL :haha:
We all love/hate Essence. :biggrin:
I hope you get Fivepocket Grey polish. :wink:
Svi mi se sviđaju :wub: , ali ipak najviše Fivepocket Grey i My Boyfriend’s Jeans. Navodno su i u naš Muller stigle kolekcije Denim Wanted i We Saw it First, pa odmah danas moram u shopping dok se sve ne rasproda :happy:
Puno sreće u lovu. :thumb:
Tudi jaz sem molila, da dobim lake iz te kolekcije. In sem jih! (:
Najlepši: My Boyfriend’s Jeans, čeprav so mi tudi ostali prelepi (razen I Love My Jeans).
Super, Ivy! Res bi bilo škoda ostati brez takih lepotcev. :wub:
Hvala Gejba, zdaj si samo še podžgala mojo obsesijo s to kolekcijo (ki je seveda nikjer ne dobim :drop: :angry: )
Ni zakaj. :angel:
Jaz upam, da jo bodo imeli tudi DMi.
Ojoj, eden od modrih bo moral biti moj, ne vem pa še kateri. :D Pomoje temnejši, čeprav tale manikura z mat konadom in svetlejšim modrim je :stars: :drop: ! Res je fantastično, ampak ne vem, kako mi bo uspela, če še Parokeetkam povzroča preglavice. :wink: Žal se moj seznam preveč širi za LE kolekcijo … bom morala celo LJ prešnofat za eyeliner, lak in nadlak. :nervous: :wink: Ta črn pa se mi zdi kot slabša kopija Back to Black od Catrice. Ali pa morda Zoyinega Ravena. V vsakem primeru že videno, tudi v boljši obliki.
Ulmiel – z nadzvočno hitrostjo gre. :biggrin:
Črn mi je fajn, ker je zelo uporaben za konadiranje … ni prava črna, pa še šimer se posveti vsake toliko. :nails:
Oh, vse razen pinkija bi imela. :sorry:
Pinkija res lahko mirne duše preskočiš. :silly:
I love the last design, it´s a great idea to use a matte top coat with the image plate :thumb:
Thanks to Maestra’s suggestion, I finally managed to transfer the image to my nails. :thumb:
Sve krasno,ali skoro pa već viđeno…samo crnih lakova nikad dovoljno,ovaj mi se baš sviđa…i naravno,matt nadlak :wave:
Uh – onda mora biti tvoja kolekcija plavih lakova puno veća od moje. Ja nemam ništa slično. :biggrin: