Essence – Smokey Eyes Set – Purple Maniac

I was very excited, that Essence made another Smokey Eyes Set. This time it’s in purple and it’s called Purple Maniac. I’m not reviewing it today, because I bought it today and didn’t use it yet (I just swatched it). I’ll just show you a photo of it along with quick and not very good swatches.

Swatch: Essence: Smokey Eyes Set - Purple Maniac
Essence: Smokey Eyes Set – Purple Maniac

My first impression about the product isn’t that good. It’s not as pigmented as the others. I’ll know for sure, when I’ll test it thoroughly.

Have you had the chance to test Purple Maniac yet? What do you think of it?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

6 thoughts on “Essence – Smokey Eyes Set – Purple Maniac”

  1. i ja sam pomalo razočarana! mislila sam da su bolje boje i pigmentiranost! no, i tak sam si stavila zabranu kupovanja šminke 4 mj pa i da hoću ne mogu ga kupiti!

  2. Humpf, glede na to, da sem kupila Punk Vibe zgolj po tvojem dobrem prispevku, bom počakala še na tegale, ker prvi swatchi niso najboljši. Pa ravno zdaj iščem eno lepo vijolično senčko, skoraj vseh mi je že zmanjkalo, škoda za slabo pigmentiranost … :hmm:


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