This post is for all of you that wanted to know (HERE and HERE) what I bought in Finland.
First, I would like to thank Nea, who writes great blog Fashioned in Finland and was kind enough to recommend a lot of cosmetic products. I was especially on the lookout for Lumene – Finnish brand.
Nea recommended a lot of “must see” Finnish sites, but one week just wasn’t enough for everything we wanted so see. Thank you, Nea!
On photo Lumene: mascaras, polishes, lipsticks. Choice of polishes was rather poor. Rimmel bronzer is one of the best and I’ve been using it for years now. I bought blush and couple of polishes in H&M. I kept one and gave away the others … before I made the .
Mascaras impressed me the most. Firs I bought one and went back next day and bought two more. Now I’m sorry I didn’t buy more. They com in different colors and shapes.
Lipsticks are great: moisturizing, with just enough of pigmentation and good staying power. I picked out two classical colors: red and red-violet.
Here are the lipstick swatches:
That is all I bought … in Finland. Estonia and Slovakia hauls are coming soon. And trust me – I really went overboard.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Mogoče veš kje v Slo se da Lumene nabaviti? :wave:
lumene skin care is definitely worth gettng, too. it is very good, but reasonably priced and quite ecologial. recommend!
You’re welcome :bow:
Nice haul and I can always send you more Lumene, if you want! That is absolutely not a problem :thumb:
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I would be glad to help if you would like to purchase more Lumene products. I could do a CP for you or we could do some swapping :-) Please do not hesitate to ask! :wave:
No nail polish? Good thing you tried out the mascara first. I hate when I wait till I’m home and then wished I’d bought more of the great product I bought out of town! Pretty lipsticks. I have so many lipsticks and yet I still buy them. It’s my second obsession after nail polish.
Nail-polish addict to nail-polish addict: Mamy, pri kozmetiki, sploh pa pri lakih za nohte pretiravanje ne obstaja, ne skrbi. :yes: :wink: Super plen, komaj čakam še estonski in slovaški haul. :D
Lumene je finska klasika – kaj drugega niti ni bilo za pričakovati. :wink: Če se ne motim, imam oba odtenka lakov tudi sama – vsaj za temnejšega sem pa ziher. Ja, maskare so res zelo kvalitetne, imam tudi jaz take izkušnje. Od Lumene Natural Code linije ti pa ni bili nič všeč? Tisti mini laki znajo biti kar zanimivi – seveda odvisno od okusa. Sedaj čakam še Estonijo, hehe – iz Finske se namreč tja hodi v šoping, pa da vidim, kaj sem ob zadnjem obisku Talina zgrešila. :silly:
Ne, Natural Code niso imeli, vsaj ne v trgovinah, kjer sem bila. OMG, izgleda pa božansko! :w00t:
Ha-ha, bom kmalu potešila tvojo radovednost. :biggrin: