Finally they are here! The long awaited Alessandro magnetic polishes or as they call them: “Effect nail polishes with the magnet stamp.” The collection is called Go Magic! Twist and it contains four shades. At our local store I only got three of them. Here are quick photos of them.

I did some quick swatches for you as well. I have to say that these look better IRL. Cool effects!
The polishes are highly pigmented. They are opaque in one coat. Be a bit careful when you apply them because these are metallics. Don’t forget to shake them before use, because the metallic particles do need to be completely dispersed in the nail polish. Well, just follow the instructions and you’ll be just fine.
These are 12,95€ a piece. Not the cheapest …
What do you think of these? Do you like the effect or do you prefer the star from the L’Oreal Star Magnets? Have you already tried any of these?
p.s. Click on the photos to see them in full size. ;)
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
wow. Blue Chip is amazeballs.
Omg they are Gorgeous, I am trying to get this one on a swap, i hope I can succeed :nervous: , I don’t own any magnetic :cry:
OMG, I wish I could get my hands on these in the US. I LOVE the way these look.
wow.. is there only 1 design of magnetic polish.. :hmm:
Yes, only one design. ;)
:thumb: Gorgeous polishes.
Will you review essence magnetic polishes? :whistle:
As soon as we get them, we’ll write a review. ;)
Fantastični su…ali i cijena isto tako :w00t:
Very cool but I prefer the star shape from the L’Oreals. I guess if you use the L’Oreal magnet on these you get the star pattern too. I once used a fridge magnet with my L’Oreal magnetic (yeah…don’t ask ) and got a stripey pattern.
The price is way too high though. I’m cheap so I’ll wait for the Essence ones…and put these on my list of “things to buy when I’m rich” .
Cena je res auč, vendar pa izgledajo super … meni veliko bolj všečno kot L’Orealovi. Komaj čakam, da vidim kakšen vzorec bo pri Essence magnetnih lakcih. :w00t:
.-= Gejba´s last post … Essence- new products – lips fall 2010 =-.
Wow, these look so cool! I have never heard of these polishes before.
Efekt mi je res zelo všeč! Super lepo! Ampak cena je pa obupna. Tako da ne vem, če si bom kakšnega privoščila …
I think this is a more updated design. The colors are more now too, compaired to the ones from L’oreal.
.-= Irenka´s last post … Essence & Models own =-.
Konkretno predragi pa še nič kaj posebnega ni tole..
.-= godisarockstar.´s last post … My eye makeup and NOTD =-.
Hočem hočem!!! :w00t: Ampak ziher preden jaz pridem do kakega stojala bo že ve izropano :cry:
.-= Lyra´s last post … Essence Studio Nails- Nail Fashion Stickers – Light Forever! =-.
ufff tole pa je ekspres poročilo :)
Sem vedela, da ne smem prebrati tega posta. Zdaj pa bi rada imela rjavega :hmm:
Wow! Meni se zdijo prekrasni, sploh rjav in viola! Mislim, da bom šla kar po oba…če ju bom seveda dobila! :wub: