KOTD: Manhattan 67C + Stargazer 234 + IP m72

By Mamy

I had a friend over on Sunday and we played around with Konad. I’m sorry we didn’t make time for a couple of pictures since my friend has lovely long nails. 

Gejba’s post reminded me of similar polish in my collection, so today I used two layers of Manhattan 67C as a base polish. I would love this gray polish with purple undertone even more if it were a little bit darker.

I used Stargazer 234 + m70 IP for konadicure. Top coat: Essie Shine-e.

Manhattan 67C + Stargazer 234 + m72
Manhattan 67C + Stargazer 234 + m72 (shade)

Photo taken in the sunshine:

Manhattan 67C + Stargazer 234 + m72

Image is more discrete in real life.

For the end – photo of flower taken from my window shelf.

Fuksija - Fushsia
Fuksija / Fushsia

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8 thoughts on “KOTD: Manhattan 67C + Stargazer 234 + IP m72”

  1. :wub: Love the manicure.  I adore anything with hearts on it.  Pretty pattern and lovely shade of grey.  I’ve never seen that flower before.  It’s beautiful.

  2. Ta sivko je res lep :wub: pa vzorček ti je lepo uspel odtisnit :thumb: Če se prav spomnim sem jaz imela težave z centriranjem pri temu vzorcu :think:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … OPI- Russian Navy Nfu Oh- 51 =-.

    • Meni je tudi všeč in sivih odtenkov nimam v izobilju. Vzorček je ravno pravšnji za mojo velikost nohtov. Najbrž imaš ti manjše nohte kot jaz. Hvala za pohvalo! Verjemi, da se pri konadiranju zgledujem po tvojih zelo uspešnih poskusih. Ne zgodi se redko, da imam odprt tvoj blog, ko kaj ustvarjam.     :cute:


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