Comparison: Essence Walk Of Fame, Most Wanted and Manhattan 96P

I’ve bought quite a few taupe shades lately. Why? You’ll think I’m, crazy (I know I do). I saw this girl with taupe shirt and turquoise design printed on in … and now I want to have that exact combo on my nails.

I’m obsessed – I admit it. “Normal” person would probably go on a hunt for shirt … not he polishes. :D

Comparison: Essence Walk Of Fame, Most Wanted and Manhattan 96P bottles
From L to R: Essence Walk Of Fame, Most Wanted and Manhattan 96P bottles

So – how alike are Essence Walk Of Fame, Most Wanted and Manhattan 96P (part of Spice Up Your Nails LE):

Comparison: Essence Walk Of Fame, Most Wanted and Manhattan 96P swatch by Parokeets
Comparison: Essence Walk Of Fame, Most Wanted and Manhattan 96P (all – 2 layers)

I found out I’m not really into the “pure” taupe colors – I prefer lighter gray-brown shades with purple tones.

So it’s no great surprise I loved Manhattan 96P the most. 96P is chameleon color thou – in cool light you see the purple tone and in warmer light you don’t. I loved the application and brush of 96P and Walk Of Fame. Add good formula to the mix and you got to love them.

Most Wanted didn’t do anything for me. Color, brush, application – nothing worth mentioning.

Before I removed the polish I added one layer of Essence matte top coat.

Comparison: Essence Walk Of Fame, Most Wanted and Manhattan 96P matte version
Essence Walk Of Fame, Most Wanted and Manhattan 96P

Which one tickles your fancy?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

18 thoughts on “Comparison: Essence Walk Of Fame, Most Wanted and Manhattan 96P”

  1. Thanks for the comparison. It would also be interesting in which way Essence “Walk of Fame “ is similar to Catrice “From Dusk to Dawn” and p2 “Rich & Royal”. I love the purple undertone. And there’s also a small similarity between Essence “Most Wanted” and Catrice “Lost in Mud” (I compared only the bottles) or maybe Essence Into the Wild LE “Desert Fox”.

  2. Še dobro da imam Manhattnčka drugače bi še morala imeti Walk of fame :blush: Most wanted pa me ne pritegne :undecided:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Manhattan- Spice Up Your Nails Limited Edition =-.

  3. Znam kako ti je kad vidiš lak u trgovini…tako je i meni,umjesto da trošim na garderobu,cipele i torbe ja pičim po lakovima :biggrin:
    Od ovih gore najinteresantniji mi se čini manhattan.
    p.s.Ima koja klinika za liječenje ovisnosti od lakiranja noktiju i kupovanja ‘samo još jednog laka’? :nails:


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