Review and swatches: Jessica – Muse collection Fall 2010

I love Jessica’s Fall 2010 collection called Muse! I would have bought the whole collection, if these weren’t that expensive. So I bought only two and one is still on my wish list.

Intrigue is a “Metro Chic shade”. You know, taupe with a hint of purple. It’s very close to the $OPI’s Metro Chic, but Intrigue is better to apply.

Swatch: Jessica Muse Fall 2010 collection: Intrigue

Here’s a comparison: Jessica – Intrigue vs. Essie – Merino Cool vs. Sephora by OPI – Metro Chic.

Compraison: Jessica - Intrigue vs. Essie - Merino Cool vs. Sephora by OPI - Metro Chic (2 coats)
Jessica – Intrigue vs. Essie – Merino Cool vs. Sephora by OPI – Metro Chic (2 coats)

Victorian Crush is a must have for all the olive green lovers! It’s pure perfection! It’s Illamasqua Hectic but better! It’s darker than Hectic in more opaque and easier to apply. I’m in love with Victorian Crush!

Swatch: Jessica Muse Fall 2010 collection: Victorian Crush vs. Illamasqua - Hectic
Jessica – Victorian Crush (2 coats) vs. Illamasqua – Hectic (3 coats)

Dark blue one called Majesty Blue is still on my wish list …

That’s it for today. Hope you’re having a great weekend!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

16 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Jessica – Muse collection Fall 2010”

  1. Victorian Crush je čudovit (pa še Hectic je podoben, aaaah!!), in imela sem ga na WL, dokler nisem preizkusila Jessice … ok, roko na srce, bila je stara stara steklenička. Ampak čopič je bil pa tako ultra tanek, res dve dlakice na štilu, živce sem čisto zgubila ob lakiranju. Se je čopič kaj “znormaliziral”? :) Nimam problemov z ozkimi čopiči ala Misa, S-he, ipd. ampak tisti od Jessice je bil res čisto oskubljen.  Tip prvega odtenka pa sem pokrila s From Dusk To Dawn, ni med mojimi najljubšimi, da bi iskala vse nianse. :)

  2. Jaz sem bol med olivnimi tako da bi mi vrjetno super pasal zelenko, ampak vseeno nisem green fan :naughty:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Manhattan- Spice Up Your Nails Limited Edition =-.

  3. Prvi mi je všeč ampak sem se zadovoljila z Manhattnom :yes: Drugi tudi zelo lep odtenek :wub: Ampak jaz zelene res res ne maram na sebi :angel:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Manhattan- Spice Up Your Nails Limited Edition =-.


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