Essence Metallics TE – Copper Rulez quattro eyeshadow

Copper Rulez! products from Essence Metallics TE are gorgeous! I bought polish, jumbo pencil and quattro eyeshadows and they all come in really pretty colors.

Essence is really not known for their eyeshadows. They’re almost never finely milled and with good pigmentation so Copper Rulez! quattro turned out to be a nice surprise. And when I tried out gel liner and found out is was very pigmented, soft as a butter and with good staying power I was shocked. Definitively a must have product.

Essence Metallics TE - Copper Rulez! quattro eyeshadow swatch
swatches are made over base

The only problem I had was with jumbo eye pencil. I used it as a base (over TFI) for quattro eyeshadow but it irritated my eyes. Eyeshadows by them selves were OK. I’ll try the Copper Rulez! jumbo eye pencil one more time to see if this was just some freak coincidence … I hope it is since I like is as a base.

Price: 3,89 EUR (5.50 USD).

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

9 thoughts on “Essence Metallics TE – Copper Rulez quattro eyeshadow”

  1. Tudi jaz sem si priskrbela  Copper Rulez! četvorček in jumbota.  Barve so mi res lepe, metalno svetlikanje je super. Ko sem jumbota uporabila kot bazo, kar nisem mogla verjeti, da so mi senčke zdržale od zjutraj do večera brez nobene spremembe. Sedaj sem z mojim primerjem za senčke Manhattan kar malo razočarana… no, pa saj Essence poskrbi da senčke ne izginejo čez dan! hehe, res super kolekcija.

  2. Love these shades.  I never use any pencil like that.  I never think about it.  I just use a primer on my eye lids.  I’ll definitely have to start using my other things.


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