Nubar: Prism Collection, Absolute

By Mamy

For me, Nubar holographic polishes are one of the prettiest holo polishes out there. I have four from this years

Prism Collection Spring 2010.

Nubar: Prism Collection
Nubar: Treasure, Absolute, Brillant and Jewel

They’re not very pigmented so you’ll need at least three coats to achieve complete opacity.

Nubar: Absolute

This is a blue to turquoise shade. Application was OK. Coverage is not too good – but the third layer was enough for the perfect look.

Nubar: Absolute

Nubar: Absolute

Once more photo the bottle – you have to admit it’s hard to resist this shade.

Nubar: Absolute, bottlePolish looks best in the sunshine.  I’m very satisfied with all my Nubar polishes. If I compare their holo polishes with those made by China Glaze or Nfu Oh, I find them different and the finish is not classically holographic either.

Dear readers, I can only say I highly recommend Nubar polishes! That is all for today. 

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18 thoughts on “Nubar: Prism Collection, Absolute”

  1. :love: Nubar does make the best holos.  I have worn any holos in awhile.  Once I put one shade on I can’t stop.  I wear holos for weeks! They are all gorgeous shades.

  2. Zdravo! Tole bi samo opozorila: nad 22€ se plača DDV(20%), nad 150 € pa carina.
    Laki so pa itak čudoviti  :wub:

    • Hvala za pripombo, magrateja.  :rose:
      Torej sem plačala DDV, ker carine mislim da je več kot 20%, kajne. Zraven so prišteli še svoje stroške cca 6€, tako da je bil znesek malo višji. Ampak ker ni bilo poštnine, se mi je to še vedno izplačalo.  :yes:

  3. O! *pade skup* Ok, resno … *pade še enkrat skup* Ne, ne, tole je pa prelepo.  :stars: NUBAR!! Božansko božansko božansko!! Čudoviti nohti! Preveč lepote za smiselno povezano poved! Še swatchev! *gre daljšat svojo WL*

    • A ne! :love: Lyra, ko se spravim, potem naredim konkretno naročilo.  :blush: Pri tem naročilu sem vedela, da carini ne bom mogla uiti. Zato sem jih naročila res veliko, ampak še vedno v mejah brez DDV.  Najbrž zaenkrat ne bom nič naročala. Če si premislim, te obvestim!  :rose:

    • Jaz sem jih naročala v eni angleški spletni trgovini. Poslali so jih iz ZDA, zaradi česar sem plačala carino. Drugih ponudnikov pa ne poznam.


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