A few days ago I discovered a new (to me) Essence image plate. I don’t know how long it’s been available now, but it’s for sure new to me. It’s included in the Stampy Set. It seams that Essence changed the content of the Stampy Set. The old set contained a round image plate and the new image plate is shaped the same (square) as the image plates sold separately. Here’s the proof …
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I held one of those in my hands and I was ready to bring it home, wrapp it and offer it to myself… it is actually cheap! But then I thought what was the point in spending money on something I don’t like? So I bought 2 nail polishes instead :D but those stamps look pretty good to me ;)
oh yeh i love it… :wub:
I’ve seen those last time I went to the stores but didn’t feel like buying. I like the full nail designs better. Plus, I think the 6th design is from the old plates. The 8th is cute, though! :)
Super kjut plata.. morem imeti!
Designes look so pretty!! ^-^
Ni to nam još nije došlo!!!! Nije fer! Moram do Brežica po nabavku!!!! A jesu vam došle one druge pločice iz Essenca?
doslo nam je, ja sam to relativno nedavno kupila i svidja mi se skroz set pogotovo masnice i yvjezdice :yes:
stvarno?! moram ići pregledat!
stvarno mislim da je muller bio u pitanju :yes:
It looks good :) I want it!
lepa! :D me zanima kdaj bodo pa all over vzorce dali v prodajo xD jih čakamo že 100 let xD
I got it like a month ago and just thought I hadn’t seen it before (quite possible seen the state of despair of the Essence stand in my town).
I was extra lucky ’cause mine had two plates by mistake, so I kept one and gifted the set to a friend ;)
U prvič vidim! Hitro v nabavo! :))
Itak, da sem si jo morala takoj kupiti. :biggrin: