NOTD: Are you ready for some bling-bling?

The Holidays are approaching with the speed of light. It’s already December. And you know what that means? It’s time for some sparkly in festive manicures.

I’ll start with a holographic golden-black combination.

Festive manicure: Magnetic - Hologram Goldime with Konad - IP m79 + Sprinklets Holo Gold

Products that I’ve used to create the manicure:

  • Essence Nail Art – base coat
  • Magnetic – Hologram Goldmine (3 coats)
  • Magnetic – Quick Dry Top Coat
  • Konad IP m79 with Essence – Stamp Me! black
  • Magnetic Sprinklets – Holo Gold
  • Essence Nail Art – top coat

I hope you liked it. Until the end of the year I’ll try to show you more manicures for the Holiday Season. Are you interested?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

14 thoughts on “NOTD: Are you ready for some bling-bling?”

  1. Seveda! :yes: Zlata sicer ni moja barva, ampak grem stavit, da imaš kaj v načrtu, kar si bom spet zaželela ustvariti tudi sama, tako kot tisti “vrtnični” konad, s katerim si me skorajda prepričala, da si grem nabavit konad set. Mene! Konad set! Zase! Madoniš! :wink:   :shock:


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