Another beautiful polish. This time it’s p2 – Rich. It’s dark purple or maybe dark plum base with lots and lots of different types of particles. I see blue shimmer and little gold flakes or maybe glass flecked particles. I’m really not sure. If I’m honest with you, I don’t care what types of particles are there in the polish. The only thing that matters to me, is that I love it!

Above: The detail from the bottle shows the complexity of this polish.
That was it about the polish. Now I’d like to write a little bit about the weather here in Ljubljana. It’s freaking cold outside!!! The temperatures yesterday morning were about -12 degrees Celsius, which is about 10 Fahrenheit. I don’t know about you, but that’s very very cold for me. And I was “lucky” enough to catch a cold. The winter didn’t even officially started yet and we already had a lot of snow and the temperatures are crazy low. Brrr … It seems it’s going to be a very long winter.
How is the weather where you live?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
ful je lep, p2 lakci so mi čedalje bolj všeč, samo kako priti do njih? :( v sloveniji se jih ne dobi, ali pač?
Ne, pri nas se jih ne dobi. :( Kako priti do njih? Verjetno bo treba kar v Nemčijo po njih. :unsure:
ful je lušn :))))) ma kaj k so mi ti p2-ji nedosegljivi :nervous:
krasan lak :thumb:
kod mene puše bura,temperature su tek par stupnjeva poviše nule,imamo čak i sunca…ali noću je ispod nule…i hlaaaaaaaaaaadno je :cool:
cute colour and nice glitter
The make-up brand “manhattan” had a similar colour in their Diamonds collection
i think.. :unsure:
Well, that Manhattan polish (610w) is not that similar if you ask me. I reviewed Manhattan polish HERE. It’s darker and it has silver shimmer.
Never heard of this brand, but this color is so pretty!!
Wow, this color is beautiful. It’s one that it seems you could just fall right into. As to the weather, well I’m in NW America, and (as always) it’s grey and rainy. Blah. I’d like it to get a little colder so that rain could turn to snow!
Res zanimiv odtenek! :wub:
” Zadnje čase imam res srečo ali privilegij ali karkoli že, da vam predstavljam same lepe lake.”
Bralci pa smo zadovoljni ker lahko občudujemo same lepe lake in si delamo sezname želja :stars:
So incredibly gorgeous.
Vau, kakšna lepota! :stars:
Prekrasno :stars: :wub:
One of my favorite polishes out there. It is absolutely stunning. :wub:
:D WOW this polish looks GORGEOUS!
Love the polish!
Same here, -4 to -11 Celsius!
I’m trying not to think about the cold outside, instead I’m enjoying my spring manicure :nails:
Oooo, kako je lep! Res čudovit! Moram locirat p2 nekje, ker si želim že kar precej njihovih odtenkov. Ampak je očitno res samo nemška firma? Ker v dunajskih DMih kolegica p2 ne najde. :think: Logično mi pa ni. Tale je res fantastičen.
Sicer pa sva usklajeno prehlajene. Oz. meni se že slabša. Cel teden me je lovilo, zdaj pa me je končno ujelo. Stalno me zebe, ob prižganem gretju, termo nogavicah in treh plasteh oblačil na sebi. Ven sploh ne upam. Ogromno čaja pa upam, da bo šlo skozi. Zunaj je res absurden mraz, pa imamo še najhujše mesece zime pred sabo. Na koncu bom že celo omaro nosila naenkrat na sebi. :wink:
Pa, mimogrede, ko sem že ultraklepetave sorte (sploh na vašem blogu :blush: ), Spectacular Stone od Magnetic je res res res fantasičen! :yes: :stars: Mislim, da si bom resno kar rabila narediti kakšno zalogo Magneticov. :wink:
Glede p2 nisem čisto prepričana. V tem videu punca pripoveduje, kje na Dunaju naj bi prodajali p2: KLIK
Moj prehlad se počasi umirja. Zdaj me daje “le” še kašelj in še vedno rahlo “basiram” (hripav glas).
Videla sem tvoj Spect. Stone in sem zelo vesela, da ti je všeč. Funky Violet pa baje tudi kmalu dobijo na zalogo nazaj. :happy:
Zadnje čase imam tako stisko s čase, da komaj uspem prebirati bloge. Upam, da se kmalu umiri.