Comparison: Barry M Dusky Mauve vs. Alessandro Hypnotic

Few of our readers wondered how alike are Barry M Dusky Mauve and Alessandro Hypnotic polishes. Since I do not own Dusky Mauve shade, I borrowed it from Maestra.

Let’s take a look at bottles first. At first glance we’re looking at two completely different shades. But the difference gets a lot smaller after we apply the polishes.

Comparison: Barry M Dusky Mauve vs. Alessandro Hypnotic bottle

I used 2 layers + top coat.

I didn’t particularly like any of the shades in the sun. The brownish color in the base becomes more visible and I simply do not like the combination of brownish base and violet shimmer. But you can see that polishes look more alike than they do in the bottle.

First thing I noticed when I looked at the manicure in the sunshine was that Hypnotic has more visible shimmer.

Comparison: Barry M Dusky Mauve vs. Alessandro Hypnotic swatch
Comparison: Barry M Dusky Mauve vs. Alessandro Hypnotic (sun)

Polishes look similar under the artificial light too. The biggest difference is in the undertone – Dusky Mauve has warm and Hypnotic cool one. And if shimmer is more visible in Hypnotic in the sun, in lightbox violet tone is more defined in Dusky Mauve.

Comparison: Barry M Dusky Mauve vs. Alessandro Hypnotic swatch
Comparison: Barry M Dusky Mauve vs. Alessandro Hypnotic (lightbox)

Conclusion: polishes do look a lot alike, but they’re not dupes. Shimmer undertone is completely opposite so Hypnotic is more appropriate for those that wish to have cooler shade and Dusky Mauve for those with warm shimmer preference.

Difference in price is also substantially: Dusky Mauve costs 4,5 EUR (10ml) while you’ll have to pay 10 EUR (10ml) for Hypnotic.

Which one would you choose?

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12 thoughts on “Comparison: Barry M Dusky Mauve vs. Alessandro Hypnotic”

  1. Celo na Chanelovega Paradoxal (509) spominja. :yes:   Za tak odtenek se definitivno bolj splača cenejša različica. :thumb:

  2. Moram reči da dobro opazuješ da si našla toliko razlik, jaz jih po pravici povednao ne opazim  – sem si namazala vsak drug prst s Hypnotic (2 sloja) ostalo pa z Dusky Muave (3 sloje) pa nobeden ni opazil :) in tudi meni sta ‘skoraj’ enaka. (res pa je da imam na očalih kar nekaj dioptrije :zip: . Mi je pa bolj včeš Barry M zaradi cene in ker je Hypnotic bolj gost (predvidevam da ga bo potrebno kmalu redčiti).

    • Pri meni je bila razlika topel/hladen podton kar očitna. :think:

      Si pa predstavljam, da moraš biti orto lakoholik, da se ti zdi razlika pomembna. :biggrin:

    • Škoda, da ti ne pokaže razlike. Na mojem monitorju je ta lepo vidna. :hmm:

      Meni sta lepa v oblačnem vremenu in zaprtih prostorih … torej pozimi. :biggrin:


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