Catrice: Absolutelly Chinchilly! and Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans

Absolutelly Chinchilly! and Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans are Catrice‘s latest addition to their Ultimate Nail Lacquer range.

Absolutely Chinchilly! is a creme grey shade. It’s not a blue based grey. It has some beige to it. Two coats shown in the photo below.

Swatch: Catrice - Absolutely Chinchilly
Catrice – Absolutely Chinchilly (2 coats)

Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans is a nice blue with interesting blue shimmer. The shimmer is more visible in the bottle than it is on the nails. Two coats shown in the photo below.
Thank you Gejba for the below photos.

Swatch: Catrice - Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans
Catrice – Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans (2 coats)

What do you think of this new shades?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

22 thoughts on “Catrice: Absolutelly Chinchilly! and Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans”

  1. I recently bought Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeand and I absolutelly love it! I wore it twice in two weeks (unheard of!! :wink: ), the almost secret shimmer is gorgeous!
    I’ll skip the grey one (I have an absurd amount of grey cremes already) but I must say I’m so happy with Catrice polishes overall – the formula, colors, brush and price is great.

  2. Moder tudi meni deluje zelo podoben Essence Underwater novi verziji, Absolutelly Chinchilly pa se mi zdi da je podoben Essie Chinchillyju… Se pravi: teh dveh ne rabim! :naughty: sta pa zelo lepa! :yes:

    • Modra izgledata res zelo podobna, siva pa moram še preveriti, koliko sta si podobna. V steklenički nista identična. Essie je malenkost bolj na vijoličasto, medtem ko je Catrice bolj rjavkast. Ne vem pa, kako prideta na nohtih eden ob drugem.

  3. I think Hip Teens is the same colour as Essence Underwater (the new version). Can you compare the two of them? I only have Underwater und love the colour a lot. :) In the bottle both look the same.

    • I didn’t even think of Underwater. Thanks for the idea. I think Gejba will do the comparison for you. ;) I just compared the bottles and they do look very similar if not the same.

  4. Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans mi je všeč, Absolutely Chinchilly! pa nikakor ne bi šel skupaj z mojo izredno bledo poltjo.


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