I decided to reorganize my stash of nail polishes again. As some of you might remember I reorganized my stash a while back. I organized it by color back then, but I couldn’t get used to it. I had to search for particular polishes too long and the drawers looked like a mess, because of the different bottle shapes. I admit that my stash made me nervous. And that’s why I decided that I’ll organize my stash back the way it was. Well, not exactly the way it was. I’ll probably keep the “special” polishes like glitters, mattes, duochromes, magnetic polishes etc. separately. I’m still deciding on this one.
And so I started to reorganize my stash again. This time it’ll be a slow process as I’ll do it in stages and brand by brand when I’ll have the time. Today I started with my OPIs. Here they are, Maestra’s OPIs.

How do you keep your nail polish stash organized?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
What a great collection! :wave:
fa**** s***, kolk jh je :stars: :crown:
Oh, kako lep pogled. :wub: Jaz jih imam po znamkah. Če bi jih imela po barvah, bi bila že to nekajtedenska težava, ker tiste ki so na mejah kakšne barve, ne bi znala točno razvrstiti. In vampy vijolična in nežno lila barva za moj okus enostavno ne moreta v isti predal, pa čeprav sta obe “vijolični”. :wink: Pri znamkah pa vsaj približno vem katere barve imam in se tako lažje odločim. Morda bom spremenila mnenje ko bom imela tako ogromno zbirko kot jo imate nekatere. :wink: Sem nekaj dni nazaj pogledala od Vampy Varnish posnetek zbirke – ona jih pa res že mora imeti po barvah razporejene. :stars: :biggrin:
I like to organize my stash by color, I can find things easiest that way :)
zavidljiva zbirka :stars:
I organize mine mostly in my old timey treadle machine. There are 4 drawers. Upper left drawer is reds and pinks, lower left is purples. Upper right is oranges, yellows, and browns. Lower right is blacks, greys, greens, and misc. ones like glitters and extra topcoats.
Top of desk in a vintage cigar box is French mani stuff. All my untrieds are in a traincase near the couch where I usually paint. :)
I used to organize my polishes by colour, but for space saving reasons I re-organized polishes by bottle shapes (in most of cases it means by brand). Actually question about “special polishes” was actual for me as well, but I went for putting everything together and I like it, because I use layering polishes more often now. :yes: I just see them almost every time I take some colour and can’t refuse.
I organize by brand. I have train cases. I do group similar shaped bottles as well…my color club polish share a cases with my essie polishes. :crown: :yes:
omg :stars:
krasna zbirka,ne usuđujem se niti zamisliti ostatak :happy:
Ma ja nemam jos uvijek toliko puno lakova da ih moram organizirat na poseban nacin , mozda jednog dana dodjem i do toga :whistle:
Krasno! :wub: OPijeve flaške so mi res lepe. :hmm:
I don’t need to organized them, cause I have only 8 polishes lol
that’s really wonderfull
Wouldn’t mind getting my hands on these beauties. :biggrin:
I can imagine. I’ll hide them the next time, you’ll come to visit. :haha:
That’s a lot of nailpolish! ö
I guess, that’s a matter of perspective, because that’s just a fraction of my stash. :scared: