New image plate by Essence

Today I have another image plate by Essence with all over images to show to you. This plate has animal designs on it. I love it!

Manicure: Essence: New image plate

That’s not my NOTD, I just wanted to show you the images on the nails. My nails are very short at the moment. And you know what? I love them like this.

p.s. Next I’ll show you the comparison between Bundle Monster, Konad and Essence all over designs. ;)

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

21 thoughts on “New image plate by Essence”

  1. Joj, pa kje najdete te nove platke? Jaz redno pregledujem cel kupček, pa so vedno ene in iste, o novih pa ne duha ne sluha :angry:

    • Jaz sem jih našla v Mullerju na Čopovi v LJ. Ne vem, ali so jih drugje sploh že kaj dobili. Ne vem … drugje jih še nisem videla. Držim pesti, da jih kmalu najdeš. ;)

  2. joj, napokon :)
    nisam mogla docekati taj plate, nadam se da cu ga uskoro uhvatiti pa da imam zebru na noktima :D

  3. Sem šele sedaj videla, da so v sredini tačke. :haha:
    Očitno so me all-over vzorci čisto zaslepili. :biggrin:

    Lepa platka. Komaj čakam na primerjavo. :happy:


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