Zoya Bela in Black Swan

Black Swan movie is coming to our cinemas next week.

I heard good things about this movie, but the main news in nail blogger scene is the bottle of Zoya Bela seen in one of the scenes. :D

Zoya Bela in Black Swan on parokeets blog

Light pink creme polishes are not my cup of tea, but I know few of you are hard core pink lovers, so the next photo is just for you.

Zoya Bela on parokeets blog

In Slovenia you can buy Zoya polishes in Nati on-line shop, and few counters over the country.

Bela will probably never be part of my polish collection, but I added 2 Zoya polishes to it yesterday: Crystal and Valerie + few Intimate shades are definitely going to be mine.

Did you already see the movie? Do you recommend it?

*photos courtesy of Zoya

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Zoya Bela in Black Swan”

  1. Videla sam film, posto sam se bavila baletom 13 godina, isla u osnovnu i srednju baletsku skolu, pogodio me je jako… zaista prikazuje ono sa cim se suocavaju balerine- protivnice koje zele da preotmu ulogu, mesto, kako uraditi lika na najbolji nacin… samo sto je glavna uloga koju igra Nathalie Portman malo smesna sto se tice toga da devojka sama nije svesna koliko je druge mrze i ne moze da se izbori sa njima nego posustaje, slama se, a i njena mama je tretira kao da je retard ili dete od 12 godina i to je glupo… al tako je sa nekim balerinama- onima koje su talentovane, vredne, ali psihicki slabe- takvih je mnogo…

  2. :wave: :w00t:
    jako volim rozi lak za nokte :D
    inače radim dramatičnu šminku ali nikako dramatične nokte :stars:

    Love the color :D

  3. Nisem si ogledala filma, niti nisem prepričana, da si ga bom, balet pa jaz nisva ravno kolega. :wink: Sicer pa komaj čakam swatch Valerie in Intimate kolekcija ima res nekaj lepotičk, ki bodo morale postati tudi moje. :wink: :yes:

  4. You know, I’m really looking forward to seeing Black Swan, but this polish just isn’t my cup of tea. I just can’t wear this type of color, it’s beautiful for some hands, but not mine!

    On the other hand, I do love Zoya polishes. I keep saying Adina will be mind, as will Indigo. Indigo is the single polish I’m going crazy over right now.

  5. I loved Black Swan, you do have to follow it otherwise you would miss things. If i had to compare it with an other movie it would be with Vanilla Sky because that one was also cool but a bit weird.


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