I guess it’s no surprise if I tell you that Sweetscents pigments are my favorite mineral eyeshadows.
Together with eyeshadows you can win in our 2nd birthday giveaway, we received bunch of samples for Parokeets ladies. Children are less excited over presents than I am over new Sweetscents “baggies”. I have to try them out right away, note which one are must haves … :D
Today I have for you swatches of six shades that are more or less appropriate for everyday make-up:
- Cream: light color with subtle beige-gold tone;
- Butterfly: belongs to the family of iridescent shades, but on me it stays light lilac color most of the time;
- Warmth Glow: has “creme” finish I adore. Application is poetry, and goldish-beige color is ideal for subtle make-up;
- Warmed Bronze: wearable bronze shade, with shimmer;
- Taupe: gray-brown shade that can be nicely incorporated in day look – crease, liner …;
- Midnight Blue: gorgeous blue base with quite a lot of silver shimmer (odd man out in this selection).
Swatches are made over the base.
First photo is taken in shade with temperatures belove freezing … goose bumps were unavoidable. :D

Photo taken in lightbox:

For the end – Maestra’s make-up where she used Warmed Bronze and Cream … among other shades.
For next Sweetscents post we prepared bolder colors … and make up.
P.S. Some of you asked me what do I do with 10g of one pigment. Let me give you a hint – got to the Products – Samplers and scroll to the bottom of the page. There you’ll find my favorite category – 5 gram sampler 12 jar Pack. :D
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Od tehle sta mi Warmed Bronze in Taupe všeč, s tem da me Taupe rahlo spominja na Essence Smokey Eyes rjavi set. Sicer pa ja, Parokeetke ste me zelo uspešno zasvojile z mineralnimi senčkami, naši prodajalci bi se vam morali zahvaliti. :wink: No, jaz se vam vsekakor, ker so fantasične! :thumb: Maestrin MU pa je nepotrebno komentirati, ker je 100% perfekcija, kot vedno. :hmm:
Thank you ladies! :rose:
Hvala vsem za pohvale glede MUja! :rose:
Midnight Blue looks gorgeous! :)
ovaj ti look super stoji :thumb:
radujem se swatchu modrog :hmm:
:wub: taupe in bronze
Gorgeous colors! Love the Taupe :)
uvijek se zaljubim u maestrine one, divne su!
Nijanse su predivne, bilo bi divno osvojiti ih!
Hvala! :rose:
Prekrasne oči .. :drop:
it looks gorgeous on your eyes!!
Nice make up :)
I love taupe..