In case you missed Maestra’s post about new version of Essence Underwater, I recommend you read it. Why? Simply because this gorgeous shade will leave you breathless.
Essence Underwater – new version of the old polish.

You can see in the detail circle little flakies which give this shade amazing depth. They’re only seen in the strong light, but that does not diminish the fact that this polish is beautiful and must have. Color is darker blue but not ink blue. I used 2 layers. Polish is very pigmented.
In any case, take time and check it time next time you go to the store. I do not doubt it will en up in your cart and that you will use it a lot.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I won the old underwater colour. This one is so much nicer!
Tegale povsod videvam in čedalje bolj mi je všeč … morda bi že res morala nehat s cincanjem in kupiti še zase flaško. :)
Izredno lep odtenek!
mnogo ga volim, jedna od najlepsih plavih koje imam!
Eden izmed najljubših modrih! :love:
imam ga i naravno, volim ga :bow:
I have this color too, it’s so gorgeous! Much better than the old one, though that one wasn’t bad :)
Fantastic blue! Unfortunately, Essence is not a common brand here in Rio (Brazil)
Fantastic! Unfortunately we almost don´t hear about Essence here in Rio (Brazil)
Res je lepotec. :love:
I love this colour.
Underwater? Nice ;)
I love this blue! It’s amazing!