Very special post

Why? Because the post you’re reading right now is our post number 1000. I guess it’s official – we really have a lot to say. :D

I was given the honor to publish one most memorable photo from each of the Parokeets ladies.

Let’s begin with our youngest member who wrote majority of the posts and is filed with energy and creativity. Not so long ago she posted photo that just screams – MAESTRA. She really put a lot of herself in Pin-Up Look with Illamasqua’s Throb collection post and think it shows on the outside to. This is a post with soul.

Pin-Up Look by Maestra
Pin-Up Look by Maestra

Let’s stick with red color for a little while longer and take a look at sexy red lips that belong to our GOGA.  Another Parokeet with energetic personality. She always manages to impress us with her lipsticks, lip glosses …. P.S. Neon Orange lipstick is already waiting for you.

And our MAMY? I love reading her posts about flowers, trips … But I almost fell from my chair when I read her Shopping in Tallinn and in Slovakia post. Look at all those Nfu-Oh beauties!

Nfu-Oh Opal Series by parokeets

My favorite photo? Each of them is precious, so I couldn’t really say that I have a favorite one. Te one I remember the most though is a Essence Eclipse Thirsty + Nfu-Oh 59, combo that looks like fire.

Essence Eclipse Thirsty + Nfu-Oh 59 swatch

Those were my favorite photos and posts. Which one was the most memorable one for you?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

23 thoughts on “Very special post”

  1. Miljon jih je. Preveč. :) Morda se mi je najbolj vtisnil v spomin tisti, ki me je zasvojil z vami. Maestrin odličen poskus kopiranja izgleda z Illamasquinega promo postra, s čudovitim zelenim očesnim MU, zaradi katerega sem kar obsedela brez besed. To se mi zelo redko zgodi. :wink:

  2. Klepetulje super ste. Zelo rada se vračam k vam, če imam čas tudi večkrat na dan.
    Je pa res, da sem včasih malo lena, pa samo preberem in ne komentiram :wub:

    Čestitke za 1000 postov in seveda naj jih bo še vsaj 2^n, kjer je n > 10.

    Zelo težko se odločim med toliko posti kateri mi je ostal najbolj v spominu. Vsak je nakaj posebnega.

    Punce še veliko postov in ostanite tako pridne kelpetulje še naprej . :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:

  3. Congrats! I really like the fire looking design
    it’s so pretty I’m loving the nfu- opal collection it’s gorgeous
    I love the flakies I wanna get the whole
    Collection but i don’t know where to
    Get buy them from can u recommend somewhere
    To purchase them. Much appreciated thx

  4. Congrats!!!! I have many many memorable posts and am always coming back here to see swatches (before going shopping). I love the blog and hope it’ll be here for at least a few more thousands posts :D


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