Shopping in Tallinn and in Slovakia

By Mamy

As I mentioned HERE:

That is all I bought … in Finland. Estonia and Slovakia hauls are coming soon. And trust me – I really went overboard.

I’ll let photos tell you the whole story, but I can tell you that I’m very satisfied with my purchase.

Part of Nfu Oh polishes I bought.







Mosaic Nail Polish Remover, Nail Pads
Nfu Oh: Bling Bling Glitter 03 and 12
Nfu Oh: Wrap Bling Bling

On our way to the north we stopped in Slovakia. There I bought gorgeous BeYu and Sally Hansen polishes. I’ll be writing about these polishes in the future since I really love them.


I can honestly say I have enough polishes for the time being. 

There was nothing special to see in the drugstores – the same brands we have here and more expensive to boot. But I didn’t explore further after I bought all the beauties I’ve shown you.

Have a nice weekend. If you can – spend it in nature.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “Shopping in Tallinn and in Slovakia”

  1. Oh, super haul! Nfu-Oh me nikoli ni kaj dosti pritegnil, ker je zelo malo flejkijev, ki so mi všeč, ampak vidim, da jih bom nekaj rabila, sploh tale holografski set je videti nadvse mamljivo!! BeYu in Sally pa takisto zgledajo čudovito, BeYujev čopiček in kvaliteta se mi zelo dopadeta (vinsko rdeč lakec sploh ne obarva niti nohtov niti prstov ob odstranjevanju!), Sally barva pa izgleda to die for. Odličen nakup! :yes:

  2. Oh, WOW. I love the Nfu-Oh’s you got! I really must plan another visit to Viis very very soon. :yes:

    Can’t wait to see the NOTDs!

  3. :stars: Your really picked up some beauties! I’ve yet to buy any Nfu-Ohs.  I have to remedy that situation.  Those holos look gorgeous!

  4. OMG koliko lakov :stars: Si se pa res zagnala v nakup Nfu-oh lepotcev :silly: Vsekakor krasen nakup! :wub: Pričakujem veliko lepih manikur :nails:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … OPI- Russian Navy Nfu Oh- 51 =-.

    • Njihov naslov je na int. strani. Mi smo se vozili po navigaciji in prišli točno pred blok, kjer je njihov salon. Je pa vsega skupaj cca 20 min oddaljen od trajektnega pristanišča. Cene so popolnoma enake kot na njihovi int. strani, le poštnino prihraniš. Jaz sem kupila res veliko stvari, vse po rednih cenah. Poštnina za Slo sicer znaša okoli 13€.
      Sporoči, Kaneli, če boš kaj kupovala.   :w00t:
      .-= Mamy´s last post … KOTD- Manhattan 67C Stargazer 234 IP m72 =-.


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