We already wrote about gorgeous Nfu-Oh Hologram no. 66 but somehow we skipped showing you swatch on nails.
I got this beauty from our Mamy as a gift. This is polish with strong holographic effect in greenish color. I always use Nfu-Oh Aqua Base when dealing with this kind of polishes so application was not difficult. If you do not have the appropriate base coat the application can be a real nightmare.

Unfortunately I applied this polish late at night so I do not have “sun photo” for you. But I did manage to photograph the bottle in the sunny weather.

What is you verdict – must have or not?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
It WOULD be a must-have for me, but I’ve been trying to get a Nfu-Oh holo polish since February and they’re always sold out, grrr.
Nimam še nobenega Nfu Oh holota pa tako so mi lepiiii :wub: :wub:
Kako se je pa to lahko zgodilo? :shock:
kraaaaaaaasnooooooo :stars:
Res je poseben. :wub:
takooooooo lep :w00t:
A, ha. :love:
super je! jedan od ljepših holoa! ali kad bi ga još malo matirala, barem malo dio nikta! da vidimo kakav je i u toj situaciji! :-)
Možda i to dođe na red. :biggrin:
You’re right without the special basecoat application is horrible, been there done that :unsure:
Oh, yeah – I tried that with Gosh Holographic. :sorry:
This is such a stunning polish! I want it!
Go for it!
WOW! Beautiful. Wish i could get my hands on this brand in Canada!
I think you can get them at http://www.fabuloustreet.com. :wink:
Must have, of course! *_* ♥ I love it :)
Must have, absolutely…! :love:
Glad you liked it.
*dreamy sigh* Prelepo! :wub: Bo treba kupit, ja!
Bo treba zadet na lotu, da si kupiva čisto vse lepotce na WL. :idea: :biggrin:
I love this collection!!
Great polish!
My favorite is Opal, but Hologram is great too. :stars:
Must have!
Savršeno… :wub:
a, ha. :wub:
Lak je prekrasan uistinu :D
The nail polish is amazing
Have a visit to my blog won’t you ! :undecided: :pic:
Posjeti moj blog :scared:
Ja te redovno čitam. :wave:
Awesome. What kind of base do you recommend for holos?
I’m using Nfu-Oh Aqua Base. :yes:
wow! awesome polish :D
I agree. :wub:
Jaaaaaaa :happy:
Česa takšnega nisem še nikoli vidla in bi z veseljem nosila
Sploh sedaj, ko prihaja sonček, je čas za holo odtenke. :party: