Midnight Minx nail gift set by Beauty UK is a set of six nail polishes. The polishes are mini versions of regular sized best sellers by Beauty UK. But actually these aren’t that mini. They contain 8ml of product. For me I think this is like the perfect size for a nail polish. Not too much and not too little. Unfortunately the polishes in the set don’t have names. The photos below show all of them with two coats without a top coat.
First one is a simple black creme. With the first coat I thought it was a bit streaky, but it evened out with the second coat.

Next one is a brown shade with a strong red undertone. Maybe I could call it a light maroon shade.

Black base with silver shimmer. Nice and simple. And the shimmer is actually visible, which isn’t always the case with such shades.

Next one is my favourite. It’s a shimmery green shade with yellow undertones.
Purple with blue shimmer. We’ve seen it a million times, but it’s still nice.

The blue shade in the set is a nice blue. It’s not too dark or too light. It reminds me of electric blue shades, but it’s not that bright. It’s a nice shade but it could have had more depth. Maybe it would look more dramatic if I would layer it over black.

Price in Slovenia: 8,25€ for 6 x 8ml.
Price in the UK: £4.99 for 6 x 8ml.
Midnight Minx is a very nice set of nail polishes. It’s a nice composition of very nice basic shades, that are not boring. And there’s also a basic black creme in the set, which you can wear on your own or you can use it as a base for layering. That way the polishes may get more depth.
The consistency on all is thin but not watery. They all need (at least) two coats to be completely opaque. The brush is a regular round one. I didn’t have any problems with it. It worked very well for me. I was very surprised how fast these polishes dry. With a bit of patience you actually don’t need a fast drying top coat with these. All I can say about the wear time is, that I wore the black creme one for three days and I didn’t get any big chips. Only a few very small ones on my weak nails. But you know that wear time varies from person to person.
All in all I think it’s a nice set of minis for a good price.
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*Product was sent to me for review.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
:wink: I love the Purple with blue shimmer.
Oh, Midnight Minx blue :love:
Ooo I love the green one! :w00t:
The second shade is gorgeous!
Nice colours!
I love the grey and the purple!!
Nice colors and good price :)
Srčkan set. Meni sta najbolj všeč modri in črni odtenek. :nails:
I’m crazy about that silver and that blue one!
krasni su mi svi, ali prvo mi je crni upao u oko :hmm:
Zanimljiv izbor. :nails: Dobar crni lak je gotovo obavezan u svakoj zbirki. :yes:
thanks for this review – i live in the UK, but ive never picked up any of there varnishes. I just brought all 3 sets =)) for £4.99 each its a bargain!
/Hugs – and thanks again
I agree, it really is a bargain. :yes:
Mene je mikalo da bi katerega preizkusila, pa sem si rekla da bom rajši počakala na vaše ocene – se mi je zdelo da vam bodo slej kot prej pod prste (oz na prste) prišli :zip: . Imam pa na WL enega od ‘full size’ odtenkov. Drugače se pa glede količine lakov strinjam s teboj – tudi meni je ta optimalna (glede na št lakov ki jih imam bom imela kakšen OPI po vsej verjentnosti več desetletij :) )
Hehehe, nas očitno že poznaš dovolj dobro. :biggrin: Resnično nimam kaj reči proti setu. Odtenki so sicer že videni, a vsaj funkcionirajo. In kot celota je set simpatičen. :thumb:
Katerega od full size pa imaš na WL?
Electric Blue. Lilac Girl mi je obetavno izgledal v steklenički na swatchih me pa ne prepriča.
Ja, moram reči da kar rajši počakam na vaše swache, ker imate barve realno in lepo predstavljene (samo vaši nohti so preveč popolni da bi si lahko čisto natančno predtavljala kako bo na mojih izgledalo ;) )…
Tele setke sem že gledala na licila.si! Pa me je motilo, da ni nikjer nobenih nazivov, s slik pa nisem mogla razbrati, kakšni so točno odtenki. Tale set se mi zdi res posrečen, se strinjam s tabo. Čisto klasično črno kremo tako ali tako rabim, vsi ostali pa so mi zelo všeč, lahko bi izpustila le vijoličnega. Cena je dejansko ugodna, tako da si ga (upam da) kmalu privoščim!
Tudi meni je vijoličen še najmanj privlačen, ker točno takšne vijolične ne maram preveč (vijola z modrim šimorm). Sicer pa me je set res pozitivno presenetil. Sicer po barvah spada bolj med jesensko-zimske sete, kar pa me ne odvrne od tega, da takšne odtenke nosim kadarkoli. Če/Ko si privoščiš kak set, pa poročaj, kako ti bo všeč. ;)
love that purple and blue colour :D