A few days ago I stumbled across gorgeous new shades by Deborah Milano. I had hard time deciding what to buy, because I wanted to buy them all, but because of the obvious reasons I couldn’t. So I choose five of them. And when I wanted to pay, lovely lady at the cashier said I can pick another five polishes from the box of discontinued shades for free. OMG! Luckily for me there were some interesting shades to choose from. So for the price of five I got 10 Deborah Milano polishes. Good deal, right?
New shades …

- Sense Tech 10 is a shimmery blue matte polish with a hint of turquoise.
- Shine Tech 59 is a light taupe shade with strong purple shine (tiny shimmer). It looks like a dirty purple shade.
- Shine Tech 60 is a purple based polish with lots of gold shimmer or tiny glitter. Because of the purple base and gold shimmer it looks like it’s a duochrome. It’s sheer.
- 7 Days Long 837 Water Ice Colors is green based polish with glass flecked shimmer.
- 7 Days Long 839 Water Ice Colors is a purple based polish with glass flecked shimmer.
Discontinued shades …

- Sense Tech 01 is a black matte shade. No shimmer.
- Shine Tech 33 is a light pink shade with creme finish. It’s a bit streaky to apply.
- Shine Tech 37 is a shimmer brown.
- 7 Days long 163 Mirror Glow is a sheer white with glass flecked shimmer and a bit frosty finish.
- 7 Days long 164 Mirror Glow is a sheer pink with glass flecked shimmer and a bit frosty finish.
Some new shades and some discontinued shades layered over black …

All gorgeous 15 shades together …

What do you think? Do you have any favourites?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Sem se spomnila na paroketke, ko sem jih gledala v Mullerju. Sem si izbrala mojega favorita – modrega.. in zraven sem dobila lak, ki sem si ga ze ZELO dolgo ogledovala.. (17). :wub:
Oh, kako lepo, da misliš na nas. *hug* Tudi me kdaj mislimo nate in se pogovarjamo o soblogerkah. :yes: :cute: Pri nakupuvanju pa se tako ali tako druga drugo “vzpodbujamo”. :biggrin: Veseli me, da si dobila fajn lak za po vrh. ;)
Jaz sem prav tako kupovala v Nami in imajo popolnoma enako akcijo za Alessandro lake. Enega kupiš, enega dobiš. :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
Shine tech – 59 and 60, and 7 Days long 837 :wub:
How is Shine tech 59 compared to ChG Below Deck? It looks quite similar on your photos, but I’m not sure really… Is it more purple?
My favourite: 7 Days Long 837 ♥ but all are gorgeous :)
Omg, those shades are gorgeous! I love the new set :)
839 :wub: glass flecked shimmer :love: morat cu pogledat da li se to nac kod nas :hmm:
7 Days Long – 837, 839!!! Sploh zelenko, bohpomagej, kako naj se mu uprem?? :drop: Deborah gre zmeraj kar mimo mene, je sploh ne porajtam na stojalih … noja, je pa res, da imam navado hodit v Supernovo v Müllerja, kjer pa mislim, da je nimajo, jo imajo samo na Čopovi? Ali se motim? Kakorkoli … mislim, da bom po tegale kar morala iti. Ampak so prav luštno dragi, če se prav spomnim. :unsure:
Deborah stojalo je v Mullerju na Čopovi in v Nami. Zaenkrat sem nove odtenke videla le v Nami. ;)
Ta dva, ki sta ti všeč, sta oba rahlo prosojna. Pač kot se za glass flecked lake spodobi. :biggrin: Ampak (vsaj) zelenega moraš res NUJNO imeti. :nails: :biggrin:
Cena je dobrih 6€ (6,19€ ali nekaj takega).
Bilo bi mi neprijetno zaradi dejstva, da je moje pravilo “no buy” za nekaj mesecev tako zlahka in pogosto prelomljeno, če ne bi bil ta zelenko prečudovit. :wub: Glass flecked je moja šibka točka. Sem ga šla kar iskat, pa se zaljubila zraven še v vijoličnega bratca in v Shine Tech 60, ki je videti fenomenalen v steklenički. Vendar me ne prepriča na ovalu, preveč zlate, tako da še dobro, da ga nisem kupila. :wink: Sem pa dobila še črnega matkota kot darilo, ostali so jim le še sheer, pearly in pink odtenki za darilca, ki jih ne prenašam najbolje. :wink: Me je pa na blagajni prijetn presenetilo, da so tile 7 days long celo nekaj centov pod 6 eur – 5,84€ sem dala zanj. Kar na lak nanese 2,90€, kar je pa že zelo poceni. Se tako študentka tolaži ko veča svoj stash. :whistle: Vijolčen bo pa počakal na štipendijo, bi rekla … :blush:
bonsoir, bien belles couleurs, surtout les violets!!!!!
Sense Tech – 10. :drop: I bought Shine Tech 55, but I think I’ll have to go back for the blue beauty. :wub:
Wow beautiful colours!
Shine Tech – 59, :wub: 7 Days Long – 837 :wub:
Definitely Shine Tech – 59, 7 Days Long – 837, 839!!! Soooo gorgeous! :cute:
I really love the blue one, I wonder if it’s close t Zoya Phoebe so I would buy this one instead… :undecided:
Unfortunately I don’t have Zoya Phoebe so I can’t be sure. From the photos/swatches … they could be close. :yes: