Morning coffee with Alessandro – Be My Angel (matte)

Mmm, my darling knows how to make coffee (with our Senseo coffee machine :D ).

Morning Coffee
Maestra\’s Morning Coffee
Morning Coffee with Alessandro - Be My Angel (matt)
Maestra\’s morning Coffee with Alessandro – Be My Angel (matt)

Alessandro – Be My Angel (Matt) is a wonderful shimmery white. It dries matte. Because of the wonderful shimmer it looks satiny. I love it!!! I think the polish is from the new collection. At least the display was new to me. There were four wonderful light shades. I want them all!!! Only if they weren’t that expensive …

Swatch: Alessandro - Be My Angel (matt)
Alessandro – Be My Angel (matt) – 2 coats

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12 thoughts on “Morning coffee with Alessandro – Be My Angel (matte)”

  1. Kava je videti prav mamljivo (sem velika ljubiteljica kave), lakec niti ne toliko. Ampak za tako kavico bi takoj lažje vstala zjutraj. ;)

  2. That’s a big cup of coffee :P The polish is really gorgeous! I don’t think I’ve seen a white shimmery polish before but I am in love! ^^

  3. U u u kaj bi probala tole kavico!! zgleda odlično in res lepo kako je poskrbel zate :yes:
    lakec ima pa res pravo ime hihi jaz sem pa že čisto v živih barvah :biggrin:

  4. Meni je pa v oči padel tisti ki je malo na vijola vlekel – samo me je cena odvrnila od nakupa. (tako da upam da ne boste tukaj vse 4 poswatchale, ker bi v tem primeru ziher enega letela iskat :zip: )…

  5. Mmmm kavica izgleda odlično. Čeprav jaz imam raje črno :w00t: Tvoj dragi te pa res lepo razvaja.

    Lak ima pa tapravo “ime” – Be my Angel. Ful je lep. Čeprav se mi ne zdi ravno “tvoja” barva. :cute:


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