Vesna from Beauty addict is “guilty”, that I bought China Glaze – Ruby Pumps on our visit to Zagreb beauty fair.
You probably know the feeling when there is hard to find polish that you do not already have …
… and when you see something special you have to have it.
Vesna suggested Ruby Pumps to me and this beauty definitively deserves a couple of words to be said about it.
Bright red base with red glitter is somewhat sheer, so I used three thin layers. Red glitter is stunning and gives this polish it’s depth. Beautiful and glamorous polish that you really should check out.
I was really looking forward to Konad stand in the fair. And contrary to last years stand in Slovenia where prices were way to high, they were very affordable in Croatia – 2,6€ a piece. I bought S6 image plate.
I stamped one of the images from S6 onto Essence Bella polish.
I love geometrical all over images so this IP is simply made for me. This was the only plate from the bunch with all over images on it that was missing from my collection.
Yes, the trip to Zagreb was wonderful … with big thanks to Vesna and Maybe.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Zelo lepa izdelka si kupila. :wub:
Ruby Pumps is so gorgeous!
Ruby Pumps is my all time favorite color. Ever!
If this is all you bought you were a really good girl!! Hehe
You’re so welcome my dear! And isn’t it stunning? It’s definitely THE red color! :D I feel the same thrill every time I apply it lol :D Which reminds me, I could do it now, haven’t in a long time :)
Oh I’m in love with Ruby Pumps! Too bad you can’t capture it’s gorgeousness on camera. The konad looks really cool ^^ The polish you used is really pretty!
Joj, Ruby Pumps … res je že skrajni čas, da si ga nabavim. Jaz imam nekaj z rdečim glitterjem … in zelenim glitterjem in modrim in … ok, pač z glitterjem. :) Ruby Pumps je klasika, si pa želim še par drugih. :yes:
Konad mi je IZREDNO všeč, tudi meni so geometrijski vzorčki zelo pri srcu, všeč mi je kako izpade na nohtu, samo takole ko se igram s platko, ki ste mi jo poslale v anketnem GA, vidim, da bo še veliko vode preteklo, preden bom lahko uporabljala ta velike vzorčke čez cel noht. :hmm: :blush:
Beautiful!!! I picked up Ruby Pumps recently, but haven’t had a chance to wear it, only swatch my nail wheel. Looks like I made a good choice in that one.
Very pretty Konad….what polish did you use for stamping?
Rdečko je lep! :wub: Platka je pa tud ena izmed mojih najljubših in se vzorčki kar pogosto znajdejo na mojih nohtkih. :cute: