Official description of the Bronzing Palette by Beauty UK:
Every tanning tone under the sun for you to create your perfect glow.
Price in the UK: £3.79.
Price in Slovenia: 6,95€.
The packaging of the Bronzing Palette by Beauty UK brand is nothing special. To me it’s actually boring, but you can’t really expect a fancy packaging from a low priced palette, right? Another problem I have with the packaging is, it’s very hard to open. I don’t know what’s the problem (it’s probably me), but I can’t open it with my fingers. I always use some object (tweezers or something like that) to help open it. A huge plus is a huge mirror inside. I really love the huge mirror! It’s actually useful. In the second photo above you can see the back of the packaging. The nice thing is, it has a “map” of the products that are inside.
Let’s take a closer look what’s inside the palette.
It looks nice, doesn’t it? Unfortunately the color payoff isn’t very good. Here are the not-very-good swatches. All swatches are over a shimmery eyeshadow base by Art Deco.
As you can see, the eyeshadows are a bit sheer. Please have in mind, that’s the most I could get from the eyeshadows. I packed them on my skin. I was disappointed about the color payoff. BUT I think it’s a nice palette anyway. I know it’s hard to believe from the swatches above, but if you look at the collage below, you’ll see that the palette isn’t useless. On the contrary, if you are looking for a affordable nude/bronzing palette, maybe this Bronzing palette would be perfect for you. There’s only one more thing to consider before buying this palette. There are almost only warm colors in it, so it’s more appropriate for warm skin tones.
To make it up to you for the not-very-good swatches, here is a collage of before and after photos. In the before photo I’m wearing only my foundation. In the after photos I’m using only the products from the Bronzing palette (and my regular mascara).
The conclusion:
Although the packaging isn’t perfect and despite my first disappointment, I’m actually liking the palette. It’s a good on the go palette for a good price. It’s very nice for the summer, when you just want to enhance your beauty with a hint of shimmer and nude colors. The low price is a plus too.
What do you think about the palette? Do you think it’s useful?
*The product was sent to me for review.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
prelep make up
Neloše izgleda ova paleta :) Sviđaju mi se nijanse iako nisam fan ičega što u sebi ima riječ ‘bronze’ :D Meni je odličan e.l.f.-ov Cool Bronzer iz Studio linije, baš sam se ugodno iznenadila :)
Paletta izgleda mrak :D da nemam već sve slične proizvode već bih ga kupila :D
Sooooo pretty ! Odlično si to izvedla :crown:
Res bo treba mal eksperimentirat :silly:
Drugače pa sploh ne zgledajo tak slabo tele paletke :)
I love all the different shades included. This would be great for ‘sculpting’ as well, I think. Your face is practically glowing!
Res izgleda kot luštna paleta za tiste, ki ne želijo preveč pigmetiranih zadev ter tiste, ki se šele podajajo v svet ličenja. :yes:
Jaz tovrstnih izdelkov sploh ne uporabljam. Morda bi jih morala, vendar je, tako kot pri tekočem pudru, moj strah ob pretirani uporabi in napačnem odtenku prevladal čisto vsakič ko sem razmišljala o nakupu. Nočem hoditi okrog kot oranžna žoga, česar se najbolj bojim – ker sumim, da vse tiste punce, ki hodijo okoli kot da so hrustljavo zapečene ali pa se jim vidi pomokanost obraza s cca 3 metrov, mislijo, da se jim barva odlično zlije s poltjo in da nihče ne ve, da so napudrane. Moja nočna mora. Enako velja za bronzerje in highlighterje pri meni, so vsi v enakem kupu prepovedanih ličil. Rabila bi kakšnega strokovnjaka za odtenke in podtone kože, da bi mi šel z mano po nakupih, toliko pa mi ni do pudranja niti bronzerja, da bi se vrgla v to do te mere. :blush:
Umm, meni se sviđa :D bit će ti odlična za ljeto :wub:
Jaz je tudi ne morem odpreti s prsti in tudi uporabljam pinceto v ta namen :) (mi pa ni jasno zakaj se tako težko odpira, pinceto pa samo malo zagozdim v spoj pa se brez problema odpre) – tako da nimaš samo ti težave s tem.
Drugače se mi zdi pa paleta uporabna za naraven zagorel izgled – z njo se skoraj ne da pretiravati zato je super uporabna za kakšen poslovni make-up še sploh za na pot. MI je pa žal da nimajo še highlighter palete.
Embalaža me pa spominja na MAC?
No, lepo, da ni moja nespretnost krivec. Ni pa fino, da je v splošnem tako. So pa zdaj dobili feedback in morda bodo v prihodnje kaj ukrenili. ;)
Za osvetljevanje celotnega obraza sem jaz uporabila kar belo senčilo. ;) Sicer pride preveč šimrasto, a se da. ;) Prav tako se seveda lahko uporabi blush, bronzer ipd. uporabiti kot senčilo.;)
Nisem tako MACovska in me zato embalaža niti ni asociirala na MAC. Sleek paletke, ki so cenovno ravno tako ugodne, so mi recimo veliko bolj všeč. Pri tej paleti me moti predvsem napis.