Even thou Gejba already mentioned Deborah Pret A Porter Collection in her post and movie, I had to show you swatches of my favorite Pret A Porter polishes one more time… I’m talking about purple ones of course.

Lilac Seduction no.32 had biggest potential. It reminded me a lot of old She 375. I used 3 thin layers. I was not sure how to describe this finish, so Gejba suggested frost/pearl one.
Iris Bon Bon no. 33 – simple lilac creme shade, two layers.
The last purple shade is ’70 Grape Sweater no.34, the darkest one, creme finish, 2 layers.
It’s probably no huge surprise that I have many violet flowers in my garden. Here is one of them.
“Purple” greeting!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Zadnja dva sta mi luštna :nails:
Lilac seduction mi je najbolj všeč – vendar pa me moti da je tako prosojen (3 sloji so zame 1 sloj preveč :) )…
waw kakšni krasni odtenki!!! :wub: sploh se ne morem odločit kater mi je lepši :unsure:
The 3rd one is THE most beautiful! I think I might get this one :wub:
I love the last one! Such a pretty purple :D