Yay – Saša found all the polishes from Essence You Rock! TE.

Let’s start with the lightest polish – baby blue shade called Speed Of Light Blue was the hardest to apply, but still nothing two layers can not fix. This is not creme polish as it has almost invisible blue shimmer. Detail is taken from the bottle. 2 coats + top coat.

Green Kings Of Mints is also laced with hidden/invisible shimmer. I liked this green polish a lot – light green with slight blue undertone and just a hint of mostly silver shimmer. 2 thicker coats (3 on middle finger) + top coat.

Cut Off The Beige looked interesting, but I wasn’t really sure whether I’ll like it or not. Well – I love it. Very nice mixture of brown base and gold shimmer. And since shimmer is little bit larger it doesn’t overpower the brown and turns it into one of those yucky yellow brown shades. 2 thicker coats + top coat.

Let Me In Pink is “odd man out” in this collection – the only bright and only creme shade. Can’t believe I’m going to say this – but this is actually very pretty pink shade. Little bit “dirty” and muted … almost perfect elegant pink polish. 2 layers + top coat.

Love, Peace And Purple is from the same family as Alessandro Hypnotic, Barry M Dusky Mauve, Chanel Paradoxal … Is there anything left to say about this brownish purple combo? 2 layers + top coat.

All of the polishes apply best if you use a little bit thicker layer. These are minis – 7ml bottle costs 1,45 EUR.
Any lemmings?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Thanks for the swatches, they’re beautiful!
Full so lepi, vsi po vrsti :wub:
In vsi so must have. :biggrin:
Jaz bi si omislila zelenega in roza – to je če bi dejansko kje še našla kakšnega na stojalu.
Je Love, Peace And Purple identičen Barry M Dusky Muave?
Nimam Dusky Mauve, vendar bi po spominu rekla, da sta si zelo, zelo podobna.
Meni se dopade cela kolekcija. Še dobro da sem trenutno na lak dieti :haha: :haha:
Zato pa jaz pokupim še tvoj delež. :haha:
Essence keeps blowing me away with their colors–so lovely and so affordable!
And even more lovely LEs are coming our way. :drop:
The collection is very pretty, but I wish the shimmer was less subdued!
Well – I love visible shimmer, but I love hidden depths of subtle shimmer too. Eh – I love them all. :biggrin:
Draga,imaš nagradu kod mene :)
Hvala, Nina. :rose:
The shimmer is not very noticeable in L,P&P. Is Cut off the beige similar to Catrice’s Clay-ton? It reminds me of it.
Yes – it is similar. I hope I have time to post comparison photos.
Jp, ” Love, Peace And Purple” je šel z mano domov (šokantno, kaj :) ); je pa tudi “Let Me In Pink” precej všečen, ga bom še probala najt.
Upam da ga najdeš. :nails:
Lepa kolekcija, ne morem verjeti, da sem si po dolgem času tudi jaz omislila lakec iz LE. Sicer me je zares prepričal le Love, Peace And Purple, ki je zares lep in čudovit lakec.
Jope – pa še veliko cenejši kot Paradoxal. :silly:
i’ve got all those 5 polishes as well and i love them :D
Way to go. :happy:
Cut Off The Beige and Love, Peace And Purple are really nice; actually, I like most of them!
Low price, lovely colors … yes, you need all of them. :biggrin:
Those are amazing. I’ll have to hunt them down when LE appears in PL ;)
Hope you get all of them. :yes:
Thanks for these swatches I have a couple of them but the pink one was sold out (luckily I don’t really like that one)
You’re welcome. :rose:
cini mi se da kopiraju Chanel, i oblik bocica i boje, sto mi ne smeta, bas naprotiv, kupicu plavi, mint i ljubicasti sam ako ta kolekcija stigne kod nas
Samo u mini izdanju. :biggrin:
Posljednja 2 su mi savršena! :wub:
Samo 7ml? Kme :/
Kupiš dva ista i problem solved. :biggrin:
Hya Girls!
Maybe I’m wrong but the Kings Of Mints looks similar to the A Hint Of Mint from the Blossoms, could be? Are you planning some comparisons? Because there are a lot of blues and mints now from essence/catrice/kiko (do you know that? you should!) and… I’m so confussed! :undecided:
Also the pink remind me some pink from… catrice i think…
The Cut Off The Beige is weirdo but.. definitly interesting! :yes:
I plan to compare on nail wheel: I Like, Kings of mints, Replay and Catrice Am I blue or green. If you have any other suggestions let me know. :wink:
fantastična kolekcija :stars:
sviđaju mi se sve bojice :thumb:
Stvarno su dobro izabrali boje. :thumb:
ajme ovo je odlično, želim skoro sve :D
Koji se ti ne sviđa? :silly:
They’re gorgeous! I love the two first ones! Too bad Essence let us down in Portugal and only sell stuff half way :angry:
Uh – if we didn’t have Muller drugstores, we would be way behind with LE’s also … and we wouldn’t have all of them.
My favorite: Essence You Rock LE – Kings Of Mints (lightbox); nice color :D ♥
It is very nice shade. :yes:
Mislim da će moje biti sve osim ovog smeđeg sa zlatnih shimmerom, uopće me ne privlači. :hmm: Dok je ostalo :wub:
Ali je taj prekrasan. :wub:
I have been so pleased with everything Essence puts out in nail polish. This set included. Lovely swatches and thank you!
And coming limited editions look even better. :stars:
Love them all!!!
Me too. :biggrin: